“Got it.”

I tore the paper from the box and dropped the lid on the floor. My jaw fell. I stared inside.

My eyes met hers. “This is for real?”

She nodded. “It is.”

I picked up the stick with two double lines on it. “You’re pregnant?”

“I took it yesterday. I thought it was a pretty good Christmas present.”

And I thought the ring was a big deal. What the fuck did I know?

“This is unbelievable.”

“But unbelievably good, right?” Her voice was shaky.

“I’ve never had a better Christmas ever.” I kissed her, pressing my lips against hers. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you too.”

Hunter walked over. “What is going on?”

“We’re getting married, bud. And having a baby.”

His eyes widened. “Wow.”

It was pretty fucking wow.

Julie pulled him into a hug. She didn’t seem to have to ask him anymore. He fell into her embrace just like he had always belonged there.

“Are you ok with all of this news, honey?”

He nodded. “I get to stay?”

“Oh, yes. Of course. That doesn’t change. It just means you have a baby brother or sister now,” she explained.

“Can we open more presents?”

We both laughed. He was eight after all. On to another topic before we had even digested the first one.

“Yeah, let’s do that. I’ve got a game this afternoon.”

Hunter fastened a Santa hat to his head and started sorting the presents under the tree.

“Hold on, bud. We’ll be right back.”

Julie looked at me questioningly. I ushered her back to our room.

“What’s wrong? Are you upset about the baby?”

“God no. The opposite.”

My mouth landed on hers as I pulled her into my arms. My hands coasted to her breasts, squeezing tenderly, flicking over her nipple. She groaned as my tongue twisted along hers.

“So fucking beautiful.” I breathed.

My palm rested on her stomach.