I liked it. I liked it too much, maybe. The pet names. The possession. The way he made me feel like I belonged right here next to him. I looked at Hunter. And somehow this child was part of our equation. I just couldn’t figure it all out. My heart was all over the place.

“Hey, I’ve got to shower and then I have press.”

“Ok, are we still taking Hunter to dinner?”

“Wouldn’t miss it. Give me an hour, ok?”

He leaned down, pressing his perfect lips on mine. I nodded. Truth was, I’d wait as long as it took. I was so head over heels for this guy I didn’t know what to do.

He walked toward the locker room. Hunter tossed the ball in the air.

“Let’s go.” I reached my hand out. “We can wait at Hawk’s apartment.”

“Cool.” Hunter seemed relaxed. Happy. Content.

And I felt my happy heart start to break. Because after today, he had to go back to the home. Back to a parent-less existence. Back to the place tha

t stole the light from his eyes.



I looked at the boy tucked under the gray guestroom comforter. He looked small and helpless in the massive heap of pillows. I picked a few up and tossed them on the floor.

Julie walked up behind me.

“All ready for lights out?” she asked.

He shook his head. “No.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Bed time is eight o’clock. We both have school in the morning.”

I liked that school teacher tone she had. I wondered if I could get her to use it in bed.

“Give us a minute?” I asked her.

I could tell she didn’t want to go. She probably wanted to set up a sleeping bag and sleep next to him to make sure he wasn’t scared. He was fine. The kid was stronger than she gave him credit for. I knew. I was this kid.

“Ok. But if you need me, Hunter, I’m in the bedroom next to yours and Hawk will be on the couch.”

I rolled my eyes. Like fuck I was sleeping on my own couch. I knew she was trying to set some kind of moral example for the kid, but he’d be asleep in ten minutes. By morning, my ass would be on the couch. Tonight, that woman was mine and in my bed.

“Thank you, M-miss … c-can I call you Julie now?”

She gasped. “Oh my God. Really?”

He nodded. “Is it ok?”

She pulled him into a hug. “Yes. Yes, of course. Julie. Call me that, honey.”

I was pretty sure I saw her eyes mist over. She turned quickly and ran out of the room.

“Did I do something wrong?” Hunter asked.

“Nah. I think you did something very right.” I sat in the empty space next to him. The bed creaked under my weight.

“Thanks for inviting me to the game today.”