Page 104 of SEAL'd With A Kiss

And now she was just letting it all fall apart? It didn't make any sense. I considered having a couple drinks or eating something, but I figured sleep was better.

I tossed and turned most of the night hoping that at some point she would creep into my bed and we would snuggle up together and everything would be forgiven. Not that I had any damn clue what was wrong. But when the sun started shining through my blinds I realized she hadn't come home. I got ready for meeting with the wedding planner and checked my phone several times but nothing.

What if she was pulling out of our deal?

I couldn't tell which concerned me more, losing my shares in the company, or losing Addison.



It had been nearly a week since Addison hadn’t come home, and now she was sleeping in the guest room. I had no idea what was going on with her. When I would com

e home from my shift she would have her door closed or be out on an errand. She was avoiding me.

But today she couldn’t avoid me any longer, it was the rehearsal, no matter how annoyed she was with me, she’d have to put on a good face. Because there were about thirty people we’d have to lie in front of.

I looked at Addison, who was wearing a short satin dress and cute sandals and felt my cock growing. She was so beautiful in her elegant outfit. Even though I loved the complex bun her hair had been pulled into, I just wanted to destroy it and move my hands through her silky strands.

But as she stood in front of the alter that would be decorated with all her flower choices tomorrow, she didn’t even make eye contact.

We parted and she walked back to her family a very fake smile plastered on her face.

My uncle grabbed me by my upper arm and we walked down the path, away from everyone else.

“What in the hell did you do?”

Shit, did he know? Had he found out our secret?

“What do you mean?”

“Your fiancée over there is pissed as hell, I’m guessing at something you did.”

“I think she’s just nervous.”

“The hell she is. She’s giving you daggers at every turn. I’ve been watching, something is going on here.”

I decided honesty, or at least partial was best.

“I have no idea what's going on with her and that's the truth. I came home last week to an empty house and no Addison and she won't talk to me about it. I don't know what I did to piss her off, but you're right she's not happy with me.”

My uncle wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “Are you sure you should be getting into these nuptials without a level head? Being angry at each other and walking down the aisle doesn't seem like the best way to enter into a marriage.”

He had no idea. The best way to enter into a marriage was actually to be marrying someone that you love. While I had thought I loved Addison, and part of me still thought that I did, it was clear that she didn’t love me back. I shouldn't have been surprised, she was super bright and talented and beautiful. She was a total catch, the complete package. Perfect for my fabricated marriage, but was I perfect for her? Was I giving her everything she ever wanted?

I wasn't sure.

“What would you have me do? Cancel the wedding? Besides, I don't think she wants to do that either. Hopefully, this will all blow over very soon and we can move on.”

“With the rest of your lives…” My uncle countered looking at me seriously.

“Yeah, something like that,” I said dejectedly. Because right now I wasn't even sure that we’d make it to tomorrow let alone the next three months. And I had no idea what was going happen after that.



Everyone was sitting around the table which had white linens and beautiful blush colored roses just like I asked.