Page 92 of SEAL'd With A Kiss

“But I am totally confused, you’ve never mention this secret boyfriend. And now suddenly he comes out of nowhere and you're moving in with him?” She crossed my bedroom and sat down on the bed next to the open suitcase that I'd begun packing. “You tell me the truth right now Addison, what the hell is going on?”

“I started seeing this guy a couple months ago, but he's not really my usual type and I knew that you would be weird about it. Case in point,” I said as I made a face at her.

“I'm not being a way. I mean a way about the fact that you are suddenly moving out after spending your first night away from home in I don’t even know how long. Does he a magical penis or something? Finally slept with him and now you're moving?”

If she only knew the real truth. That sex with Cole was like nothing I had ever encountered before. Rippling orgasms, feeling of fire underneath my skin. It was mind blowing. And I wanted more. Sure the severance package and the money and covering my part of the rent without a job was awesome, but the sex with Cole was even better.

I still couldn't believe I was doing this though, marrying a total stranger. I had thirty days to get to know him before we walked down the aisle. And then another three months to figure out where this was going. Or if at the end of four months we go our separate ways, but right now I was hoping that we wouldn't. And I was not about to tell Elizabeth about the fact that I was getting married in a month. If her freaking out about me moving out wasn't enough, if I told her I was getting married she would lose her mind. It wasn't worth the risk. She might have to be committed or something.

“It's not that, it's just that some things change. And I need to change.”

“You lost your job. You lost your job and now you're going to live with your boyfriends. This is what a quarter life crisis looks like Addison. Know the signs.”

“It's not that,” I said as I threw more clothing into the suitcase. I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a trash bag bringing it back into my room. I started shoving shoes inside.

“Then what is it? What happened with your job?”

I stopped throwing shoes into the bag inside sitting down on the floor looking up at my big sister, just like always. “I got fired. The security system I built got hacked. At least I wasn't being replaced. By I have to move on and this is a really good start. I'm not having a quarter life crisis or mental breakdown, I promise. And what I'm doing is going to be great for me, actually for both of us. You'll see.”

“Fine.” She crossed her arms still looking annoyed. “Tell me about this boyfriend of yours, what's he like? What does he do for a living?”

“His name is Cole.” I didn't tell her his last name because I realized I didn't know it. “And he's a doctor at the Children's Hospital.”

She raised an eyebrow at me. “You're dating a freaking doctor? That's incredible! Where the hell did you pick him up?”

Now I could be honest. “In a little pub, my laptop needed to charge and he offered me his outlet.”

I didn't mention that that was just yesterday, or that the outlet was next to his bed. I couldn’t wait to get back into his bed.

“Offered his outlet, eh? That code for something?”

“You're the one who’s talking about magical penises, not me. But anyway we started seeing each other and realized that we have some stuff in common.” Absolutely nothing in common actually, another lie. “Like he is former military like Dad and his parents are dead. So that's why I haven’t introduced him to you, he's got some family issues.” Another lie but this one covered my ass.

“How did his parents die?”

“I don't know,” I shrugged. “He didn't say, I haven't pressed the issue. But his uncle owns a pharmaceutical company.”

“So they have money.”

“Yeah, they do.”

“So wait, he’s a doctor, former military, and his parents are dead. And he has money? What the hell do you have in common?”

“We both really like breakfast.”

“So he understands your coffee addiction then?”

“Yep. And my love of pancakes. I don't know,” I said in a dreamy voice, “he could be the one.”

She took a pillow off my bed and threw it at me. “I want to meet him. Make sure he's not a total douche bag or a player.”

I threw the pillow back at her and then continue to shove shoes into the trash bag. “You will, I promise you will.”



I sent the car to get Addison at her apartment while I picked up some food at the grocery store and flowers for her. I figured that my bachelor pad could use a little bit of a woman’s touch. Flowers should be enough, at least I hoped they would be. The guestroom was already set up, I told her that she could stay there and keep all of her clothes and feminine necessities in the bathroom. Suddenly she felt like she had her own space, that she wasn't forced to sleep with me. It was the final thing I needed to convince her.