Page 53 of Virgin's Dirty Boss

I giggled. “Thank you, Lauren, but I can’t. I’m working, and I don’t want to mess this up.”

“Okay. I get it. I’m also on a lunch break, so I understand. So tell me, what’s this job about?”

“You know about LQT Development Firm? LQT as in ‘Lawson, Quinn, Talon’?”

“Oh, of course! They are pretty famous.”

“Well, I started working there since yesterday.”

I told her about Grant’s company and the interview. I explained about this huge project we were working on and that I’d spent this morning on the construction site.

“And Grant Lawson is just...” My voice trailed off, and I was pretty sure I looked like I was walking on cloud nine. “He is so hot, Lauren. Like super hot.”

“Oh!” She smiled cheekily. “Well, from what I hear he really sounds like a good catch.” The next moment, she became serious, looking at me in a slight worry. “I’m all excited for you, flower, but please be careful. That company is known for its sharks and playboys, and I don’t want you hurt, especially when it comes to your boss.”

I nodded my head. “I understand what you mean, and I agree. I should be careful, but I would like to see him again. You know, he is super sexy and confident, and I would like if there could be... You know, something more.” I shrugged my shoulders.

I couldn’t tell her about oral Grant gave me last night. I couldn’t share with her just how dirty my thoughts actually were. Somehow, it sounded too personal and too complicated to talk about.

She squeezed my hand in support. “I know. I would also feel the same if my boss wasn’t a sixty year old grandpa! All he ever does is nag and order me around!” We laughed at her unfortunate circumstance. I had met her boss last year, honestly I was surprised he hadn’t retired yet. “Seriously! There aren’t any cute guys in my company! There are only those boring and ugly guys who wouldn’t know where vagina was even if their life depended on it!”

“You should come to my company then. There are a lot of cute, sexy guys.”

“Ah! I wish I could! This single life is killing me! I feel so lonely.”

“You tell me. It’s so hard to find the right guys these days.”

“It seems to me, sunshine, that you already found him.” She winked. “Anyway, I don’t remember when the last time I went out on a date was. I would really like some guy to sweep me off my feet and take me on some romantic date.”

“Where would you like to go?”

“I don’t know. Maybe some park where we would eat a delicious ice cream and get to know each other, and then we could go to movies and eat some nice dinner...”

“Oh, that’s cute.”

“Yeah. I want some really sweet guy. Some guy who would bring me flowers and be all romantic, and we could get married and have babies.” She heaved a long sigh and looked through the window with daze in her eyes.

I smiled at Lauren, enjoying the time with her. She was always so bubbly and cute, and that was what I liked about her the most. She wasn’t the go getter like me. She wanted family life and lots of children. I also wanted to have family and children, but I was ambitious enough to pursue my career. But I liked her dreamy ways. She would find her own way. Whenever she met the right guy. I was sure of it.

“By the way, that dress is absolutely gorgeous.” I pointed at her flowery design, trying to imagine what would Grant’s reaction be if I appeared in this kind of outfit in front of him. The difference between Lauren’s company and mine was that they had more flexibility when it came to their business casual ideas. She could fully express her style, because the atmosphere there wasn’t as rigid as in LQT. I wished I could wear my favorite cute shirts with bows and casual jeans or sandals, but there were some rules that needed to be followed.

On the other hand, I loved whenever Grant’s eyes flashed after seeing my legs in my high heels, like this morning. The feeling was priceless, so maybe heels and black skirts were more my thing.

“Why, thank you! I bought it last weekend on sale. Speaking of sales, we definitely should visit that new town center sometime soon.”

“Absolutely.” Now that I was employed again, I could spoil myself a bit and buy some cute dresses and accessories. “Whenever you want, just call me. I will have to work hard on this project, but I also need to relax once in a while, and shopping sounds like a great idea.”

“Then it’s settled. Anyway, I hope everything goes well with you and your boss,” she said, offering me an encouraging smile.

“Me too,” I answered honestly.

We would be alone in his office tonight too. Would anything happen? Would we continue from where we stopped yesterday?

My nerves started working, and I couldn’t wait to finish with lunch and see Grant again.

We chatted for a little while, until it was time for us to return to our offices. I took Grant’s lunch and said goodbye to Lauren. My mind had already started imagining all kinds of things Grant could do to me when we were alone.

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