Page 171 of Virgin's Dirty Boss


I smile as I kneel down to kiss the swollen belly of the woman standing before me. Her tanned skin glistens in the summer heat and her dark hair blows with the warm breeze. The long white dress that she wears accentuates every single curve on her lust-inspiring body. I still can’t believe that this woman is mine. Cami, my wife.

The wedding was supposed to be next year, but in light of the impending birth of our son, Thomas Jackson Stewart, or Tommy for short, we figured what better time than now to get married.

Ella looks beautiful in her baby pink flower girl dress. She's not the most graceful as she walks down the aisle flinging petals at everyone who is within reach. But she giggles and smiles and everyone thinks she's adorable. Of course she is, she's my daughter. She'll be totally full of hell when she's older, if she takes after me at all, so I hope that she takes after Cami some. Her poise and positivity seeps into everyone that she meets. I hope that Ella just gets a pinch of that on top of her spitfire personality.

My father and Wilson stand with me. The wedding is absolutely beautiful, the Brotherhood really came through. They take care of everything, of us. There my extended family now. While they don't replace Jackson, they help fill the void he left behind. But he'll live on, in me, in my son. In the bike that currently has streamers hanging from the back of it. Cami says she'll ride it only a few feet before we switch to a car to leave for honeymoon. A weekend at a cabin in the woods, just the two of us. Aunt Suz is taking care of Ella and knowing that Ty is locked up means I don't have to worry anymore.

I may have asked a couple of the guys to check out the place, just in case. Sometimes I just can't help but worry. After everything that's happened to us, to Cami, no one blames me.

But now our life can really start together. The three of us, soon to be four. At the end of the year I'll officially become a Brother, then our family will grow even more. And I'm lucky for that.

I'm so God damn lucky.

“I love you, Mrs. Stewart,” I say, kissing her before our first dance.

“I love you, Mr. Stewart,” she replies with a laugh.

Despite my life being a series of mishaps and bad luck, I finally found the one who completes me. Cami has been nothing short of a miracle and every obstacle that has been placed in front of us, we have conquered together. For the first time in my life, I believe in a happily ever after.

No Boundaries

Copyright © 2016 by Violet Paige

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Cover by Silverheart Designs



It was seventeen to thirteen and we had the ball. Bottom of the fourth quarter, with less than a minute left on the clock and zero time outs remaining.

That was my moment. The moment I lived for. The moment I always played for.

Coach called for a screenplay and we lined left. The fat fucker across from me lifted his head and pointed directly at me. Mistake. I knew he was coming for me.

I glanced at Aaron on my right and then Joe on my left. They both nodded, letting me know they had my back. No one would get through them.

“Down set. Hut one. Hut two. Hike,” I called.

I caught the ball as the center spiked it backward between his legs. I took a step back and tapped the ball, searching the field for an open player. I scanned from one side to the other.



Three times.

No one was open.

Some people panic in moments like that, but not me.

The adrenaline pumped through my veins and I saw the field with perfect clarity. Every one of my teammates was covered. Two guys barreled down on me fast from the right as my head jerked the opposite way. That was when my focus was the sharpest. When I could see what no one else could. The tiniest opening just to my left ahead about three yards.