Page 146 of Virgin's Dirty Boss

“What do you mean?”

“He moved back to town not long ago.”

“Really? In almost six weeks, I've never seen him.”

“Well, my dear, he’s changed quite a bit. He’s rather good looking, isn’t he?” I nod in agreement, the thought of all those texts from Ty gnawing at my thoughts. “Where did you see Ty?”

“I didn't see him, he sent me some nasty texts,” I reply, pulling out my phone to show her.

“Cami, do not underestimate him. Save those. Document everything. I don't want him thinking he can come here and try to take Ella without repercussions.” I nod and hold Ella closer to me, her angelic face peaceful as she sleeps. “Would you like to just stay here tonight?”

I nod. “I'm off work tomorrow.”


, let’s get you two to bed,” she says with a yawn.

I put Ella down, softly kissing her forehead, and crawl in beside her. At least we're somewhere safe, I think to myself as I'm finally able to fall asleep.

First thing I do when I wake up is call the phone company and have my phone number changed. My uncle is sitting at the table cleaning his shotgun when Ella and I come down for breakfast. The look on my face must speak volumes. “Mornin', Uncle Henry,” I say cheerfully.

“Good mornin', ladies,” he says back.

Ella smiles and runs over to him, crawling on his lap. “Whatcha doin',” she asks, her eyes wide with curiosity.

“Well, baby girl, I'm putting my shotgun back together after cleaning it.”

“Mama, aren't guns bad?”

“No, sweetheart, they can be bad depending on the person who has it.”

“Ohhhh. Uncle Henwy?”

“Yes, Ella?”

“You're a good guy, right?”

Uncle Henry chuckles and shakes his head. “Yes Ella, I have no intention of hurting anyone unless they try to hurt one of us,” he says, looking at me.

“Ella, that's enough, come eat your breakfast.”

She kisses him on the cheek and walks around the table to her booster seat.

“Yummmm… Aunt Suz, this bacon smells good!”



I decide to take Ella back home and have a lazy day watching movies and maybe eating out. She’s been wanting to see the new Disney movie, and as much as I hate to admit it, I have too. Now I just need to see if it’s available on demand.

I look at my phone to find a pizza place that delivers, then call to place an order. I glance at my watch and notice I've got about fifteen minutes until my pizza arrives, so I jump in the shower.

I step out of the shower and dress quickly, wrapping a towel around my damp hair. Just when I sit down and turn on the TV, there's a knock at the door. Not thinking, I open the door and jump when I see his face and the anger his eyes hold.

“Ella, hide!” I scream in a panic. I try to slam the door on him, but he's just too strong. When he pushes on the door again, I'm launched back onto the floor from the sheer force of his push.

“Cami, you need to hear me out,” he says, taking another swig of liquor from the bottle in his hand before shutting the door.