Page 45 of Payback

“No. It's my fault, all my fault.”

“No, it’s not. He's the one who hurt you and them. Never blame yourself.”

“I could have stopped it.”

“How? Staying and being his personal punching bag?” All I can do is shake my head. “Cami, look at me. It’s all on him. Let this unnecessary guilt go and tell your story. If they don't see him as the monster he is, then I'll have to take care of him myself.”

“Jett,” I start, and he places his finger to his lips and averts his eyes towards the judge. He is staring at us with a hard look on his face. “Is there something you would like to say, Miss Garrett?”

“No, sir.”

He looks over to the girl on the witness stand. “You may continue.”

As her story unfolds, I realize that they were the lucky ones. The ones without scars—only pictures are their reminders. I couldn’t have saved them. No one could.

“We now call to the witness stand Miss Camryn Garrett.”

I’m still shaking like mad as I step up to the witness stand, realizing that at this moment in time, I probably look like a scared child. The judge bows his head slightly in my direction, giving me the smallest amount of comfort. I placed my unsteady hands on the edge of my seat and draw in several deep breaths. As the questions begin, my head is spinning. The very thought of him being only a few feet from me makes me sweat.

“She says she was abused, but we have no proof. Where are the photos showing off Miss Garrett’s bruises and scars?” That statement sets off a rage in me I can't control.

“You want proof?! I can give you fucking proof,” I scream as tears begin to fill my eyes.

“Miss Garrett, please control yourself. I realize that this may be painful for you, but I will not hesitate to place you in contempt.”

“Yes, your honor,” I croak between the sobs. My attorney, Whitley Blake, shoots me a soft glare before turning to the judge.

“Your honor, permission to show proof?” He nods curtly, and the defense attorney glares at me. Whitley leans over to me and calmly says, “Would you be up for showing the people in the courtroom your scars?” I nod lightly and pull my hair back, revealing the pink scar running down my jawline to my neck. Murmurs among the jury escalate for a moment and suddenly stop as I turn around. I slowly lift my shirt up and gasps run through the room as they see the scarred mess that runs from my back to my side… but the one that really stands out is that of one of the other girls. I hear a door slam somewhere in the room, and I blink back the hot tears that are continuing to pool. Lowering my shirt, I slowly turn around, dreading the looks of pity on their faces. Even Ty looks lost for words through sober eyes, though he quickly recovers his composure.

“I think we've heard enough from Miss Garrett now. Thank you.” I nod at the judge and leave the stand, running from the room and straight into the arms of an awaiting Jett. Nuzzling my head into his chest, I let the tears fall as I shake and sob. He strokes my hair, his face buried into it. When I finish, he lifts my face up to look at him and gently strokes away my tears.

“Do you want to watch the rest of the trial? Or do you want to go home?”

“I want to watch him go down. I need closure.” He nods silently, and we walk back into the courtroom, hand in hand. Gripping my hand in his own, Jett gives me a smile that says, ‘If I'd known…’ and I nod to let him know I understand. Just as I begin to control myself and my emotions, the judge utters the words I honestly don't want to hear, as I am brought face-to-face with the reason for my demons once more.

“We now call to the stand Mr. Ty Callahan.”

As he walks to the stand, my heart stops… His eyes are cold, a small smirk on his face like he knows he’s going to get away with it. My hands are shaking and it takes every part of me not to run up to him and wipe the arrogant look off his face. As the questioning begins, I feel myself calm down, seeing the jury's reaction. His tone and demeanor speak volumes. The members of the jury seem to feel as I do. They all have disapproving and disgusted looks on their faces, like they’ve already reached a verdict, and my hope returns.

Listening to him talk makes bile begin to rise, and a cold chill washes over me. Everything he says is a lie. I look at Jett and shake my head, trying to fight the urge to vomit. His grasp on my hand becomes tighter with every word.

“I love you,” he whispers. I only nod because I can't speak. As Ty finishes his testimony and leaves the stand, the look on his face is arrogant. Closing my eyes, I swallow hard, hoping they see through his bullshit. A look in his direction reveals he is staring at us. Before I can turn away, I see him swipe his finger across his throat and point at me. The nausea is now almost overpowering, so I lean forward and rest my head in my hands. “I saw that,” Jett hisses under his breath, “and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too.” I can only nod due to the emotions running through me, rendering me unable to speak.

Recess is called, and we step outside to wait for the verdict. The next couple of hours are beginning to wear on me. As I pace the floor, one of the other girls comes up to me, stopping my incessant fidgeting, and pulls me into her embrace. “I'm so sorry for all he did to you. He tried to pull some shit with me but I was fortunate that my roommate got out early,” she whispers into my ear. Her tear-soaked cheek finding mine brings me an odd sense of peace. I nod. Then it’s time for us to head back into the courtroom.

“Has the jury had enough time to deliberate?”

“Yes, your honor.”

“And what is the verdict?”

“For actions of domestic violence and child endangerment, we find the defendant guilty.” I feel Jett's hand tighten around my own in triumph.

“For both emotional and physical harassment, we find the defendant guilty.”

“For attempted murder, we find the defendant…” I began to shake, happiness building inside of me. If he had been found guilty of the previous two, then he would get what was coming to him with this final charge, right?