Page 44 of Payback

“What happened,” Jett asks, walking us towards his car.

“Let's just say everything finally caught up with him,” I reply, sliding Ella into the backseat. I walk around to the passenger side and get in. He laughs, gets in the driver's side, and cranks up the car.

“So I guess we’re going to your place,” he says.

I nod. “First I need to go pick up Ella’s belongings from Aunt Suzanne.”

The car ride is strangely awkward as everything plays over and over in my mind. “That could have been tragic,” I whisper, breaking the silence.

Jett just looks over at me, the look on his face strained. “But it wasn't. You did what you had to do to protect yourself and Ella. You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for.”

“I know what you're saying, but in my head, I keep replaying what happened.” He nods and sighs deeply, reaching over to take my hand.

“Ella? You ok back there? I don't think I've ever known you to be so quiet.” Ella smiles a half smile at Jett and nods her head.

“Mama, why is my daddy such a bad man?”

“Sweetheart, Ty is not a bad man. He just has made seriously bad decisions.”

“But I think he's bad. He tried to hurt us again. Last time he did hurt you. I don't want him to be my daddy.”

“Ella, that’s something I’ll need to talk to you about later, ok, baby? But for now there isn't anything we can do to change that.”

“Yes there is, you can marry Jett and he can be my daddy. Jett? Will you be my daddy?”

“Ella, I would love to be your daddy, but you have to talk to Mama about that. In the meantime, you can call me Daddy, if you'd like.”

“See Mama, I told you.”

I can't help but smile knowing that Jett is Ella’s father and now she wants to call him dad.

Aunt Suzanne rushes at us as we pull up. “Oh my God… oh my God… y’all are ok.” She pulls me into her embrace and her tear-soaked cheek nuzzles against mine. “Ella,” she says, pulling her in as well.

“We're ok, Aunt Suzanne. We're ok.”

I know we are, the three of us. We will be.



“Are you ready for this?” Jett asks as he walks into the room, his face full of concern and worry. “I could still have the club take care of this. Our way. The right way.”

I know he wants to kill him, can’t say I blame him either. But we need this legal, and I don’t want Ty’s blood on Jett’s hands. That’s not the way to start our new life together. “I'll be fine. If it means getting rid of him for good, it'll be worth it.”

“But his attorney is going to be ruthless…”

“I know, but so am I.” He smiles slightly, pulling me into his arms.

After a few moments, I sigh, pulling away from him to go check over my reflection. I walk over to the kitchen, preparing myself a cup of coffee to calm my nerves. I hadn't realized how badly I’m shaking until Aunt Suzanne comes over and places her hand over mine.

“I hate you have to do this, dear.”

“I know, Aunt Suzanne. I know.” She sighs slightly and kisses my temple before walking off to check on Ella. Putting my empty cup in the sink, I smooth down my hair and wrap my hand firmly in Jett's. I hope I’m ready for this.

Walking into the courtroom makes my skin crawl. Taking my seat on the right hand side of the gallery, I notice the three ladies sitting with my attorney eerily favor me. All three are roughly the same height and build as me as well as the same shade of brunette.

As the first begins to tell her story, I find my blood running cold. The details, the actions, the same sweet gestures. I blink to fight the tears and suddenly, I feel guilty. It's my fault these girls were subjected to such violence. Had I only stayed, they wouldn't be testifying right now. The next thought hits me even harder. If I had stayed, I might not be sitting here right now. I might be buried right next to Tommy or Jackson. A shiver hits me, and Jett grasps my hand tighter, slowly tracing his thumb in the space between my thumb and index finger. “Baby, are you ok?”