Page 32 of Payback

As I examine the case, I notice it's a Blu-ray, and a huge smile crosses my lips at the sheer thought of him watching sparkly vampires. “Sure…” I say, popping open the case and placing the disc in the Blu-ray player.

Jett groans playfully as I hit play. “You want some popcorn?” he asks.

“Absolutely. What's movie night without popcorn?” I reply, sitting back down.

A couple of minutes into the movie, he comes in, taking a seat next to me, popcorn in hand. As I start to reach for a handful, he stops me. “Nope, we have to establish rules first.”

“Rules?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

“Yes, rules,” he says, the serious look on his face making me giggle.

“Ok, what are these rules?”

He grabs the remote, pausing the movie. “The first rule is no swooning. I know you might think these sparkly bastards are cute, hot, or whatever they are, but do not express this at any time I'm in the same room.”

“Why…” I begin to ask and he cuts me off.

“Shhh…” he says, bringing his finger to his lips. “Rule number two…” he continues. “Do not, and I repeat, do not give running commentary. It's a movie, not a sporting event.” Trying to keep my giggles at bay is becoming increasingly difficult with each rule.

“Finally, rule number three. This one is of the utmost importance. If at any point you fall asleep, you must not drool on me.” I sit there staring at him, as I have no words, only laughter.

“What's so funny?” he asks. All I can do is shake my head.

“So, do you think you can follow these simple rules?” he asks, keeping the popcorn just out of my reach.

“Following directions has never been a strong point for me, but I think these are doable,” I reply with a smirk.

“Good!” he says, handing me the popcorn. He presses play and puts his arm around me. Twenty minutes into the movie, he starts making snoring noises, and I elbow him in his ribs, causing him to jump, sending his soda flying all over him.

“Well damn,” he says with a laugh. “I guess I deserve this.”

“I'm so sorry,” I reply, grabbing a tissue to try and dry it off.

“Oh, don't worry about it. It's just a t-shirt, but I do need to change it,” he says with a smile. He begins to pull off his shirt.

I sit there holding my breath as he takes off his shirt, and then can't help but gasp. Not only at the sight of him shirtless, but at the size of the tattoo sitting between his shoulder blades all the way down his back.

“What?” he asks.

“I never would have pictured you as a tatted up bad boy,” I say, covering the blush now burning my cheeks. He turns his head to look at me and my whole body reacts to the wicked grin on his face. I slowly reach up to touch it and pull my hand back.

“You can touch it,” he says with a smirk. The contact of my fingers to his skin makes him shiver.

“Is this a gun?” I ask.

“Yeah, just modified. It’s the Brothers’ symbol, we all have them,” he says, voice strained.

I slowly trace the contours, taking in every detail of the artwork in front of me. As I make a second pass over the middle of the tattoo, he shivers again.

“You keep that up and you just may find out just how much of a bad boy I really can be.” His voice is deep and seductive.

I feel the heat radiating off my cheeks as he turns to me and pulls me into him. All I can say is “Oh.”

“My, what a lovely shade of red your face has turned,” he says, looking down at me, trying to stifle laughter. I pull away and cover my face with my hands. “Now why did you do that? It is really cute,” he says with that wicked grin once again crossing his lips. I look up into his soft green eyes and just smile, red cheeked and all. He shakes his head and laughs as he kisses my forehead. “Surely you've seen a man without his shirt before. Hell, you’ve seen me without mine before.”

Flashes of the last time we were together run through my mind. I have to tell him. What that night caused, what it did to me, to us.

“Yes,” I reply shyly, laying my head on his chest.