Page 31 of Payback

“That’s not nece

ssary, but I’m not letting you go that easy. So… I was thinking, well, that maybe you'd like me to make you some dinner tonight?”

“That sounds nice,” I reply, trying to control my enthusiasm.

“One more thing,” he says, opening the curtains. “Come look.”

“What am I looking for?” I ask.

“I got your car out of impound this morning,” he says. It takes every ounce of control I have not to jump into his arms and kiss him. I just look at him, and no words will come. “Ok, I guess this is you happy?” he asks, with an unsure look on his face. I nod and stare out of the window. We finish our lunch with few words and it's time for him to go. “Six o'clock, sharp.” I smile and hug him tightly, breathing in his alluring smell.

“I'll be there,” I say, already trying to figure out what I'm going to wear. He leaves me with my heart racing and more nervous than I have ever been.

It's a few minutes until six and I find myself sitting in the bedroom waiting like a high school girl ready for her first date. There’s a knock at my door and before I can respond it swings open. Jett is standing there in jeans and a tight t-shirt. I avert my eyes away quickly, trying not to stare. His dark hair is messily styled and his soft hazel eyes are bright in contrast to the dark hue of his lashes. “Hi,” he says, stepping to the side so I can walk past him.

I breathe in deeply and ask, “So, what's for dinner? That is what you invited me to the dining room for, right?”

His eyes grow wide at my matter of fact tone and he breaks into a fit of laughter. “Are you always so blunt and serious?”

“Pretty much. I've learned to just say what needs to be said and be done with it.”

He just shakes his head and motions me to follow him. Upon entering the kitchen, the aroma makes my mouth water.

“Thai?” I ask with a smile.

“Of course, it’s still your favorite, right?” he says, rubbing the back of his neck with a hint of red coloring his cheeks.

I stifle my laughter. “Yeah, but how did you remember?” I reply, genuinely impressed. He pulls out my chair, so I sit and open the container in front of me. I close my eyes and breathe in the aroma.

“I remember everything about our time together,” he says, and I blush.

“This looks delicious, did you order from…” I ask, trying to change the subject.

“Tam,” he says before I finish my sentence.

“My favorite,” I reply.

“I know,” he says with a wink.

After dinner, he cleans up as I finish my tea and head to the restroom to freshen up. The thin pink scar running down my jawline is a constant reminder of what men are capable of. Instantly, I find myself building my walls back up. Trying to stop it is useless, as it's fed by fear.

He looks at me strangely as I walk out of the bathroom. “Are you ok?” he asks, cautiously reaching for me. My first instinct is to step back, but I hold my breath and let him take my hand, guiding me to the living room.

“I was concerned, that's why I was outside the bathroom door,” he says, turning to face me. I smile and continue into the living room. He sits on the couch and I gingerly sit on the opposite end.

“So tell me something about yourself I don't know,” he says, observing my reaction.

“Well,” I reply, thinking for a moment. “l have an unhealthy addiction to peanut butter.” The look on his face is priceless as he processes the ridiculous confession. Suddenly, he starts laughing and scoots towards me, throwing his arm around me.

“You need help,” he whispers into my ear, his lips lightly feathering across my cheek. Feeling the warmth spreading throughout my body makes me slightly dizzy.

“Want to watch a movie?” he asks, standing up. Watching him walk over to the entertainment center, I can't help but look at his ass. He turns around, seemingly able to feel my eyes on him.

“Come on, help me pick one out.” I hesitantly get up and join him, my eyes growing wide at the vast selection in front of me.

Taking a closer look, I bite my top lip to keep from laughing like a lunatic. “Seriously? You own this?” I ask, pulling the movie from the cabinet.

“I know… I know what you're going to say,” he stutters. “But it is not mine.”