Page 29 of Payback

“Dude, how is she?” he says, looking honestly concerned.

“She’s all right, brother, coming home with me tomorrow.”

“Hey, that’s great. So after you get her settled, you need to come to the clubhouse. Major shit has been going on with those druggies. We need back up. You’ll come by tomorrow night, maybe?”

“Yeah, anything for the Rebels. I can’t tell you how much it means to me, that you guys have been helping me out. Keeping her away from the shit who did this to her.”

“It’s what you do for family, man.”

“Hell yeah, it is.”

He leans back and starts rocking again as I fumble with my keys and open the front door. I rummage through her suitcase until I find some loose fitting comfortable clothes she can wear home, then I lock up the place and head back to the hospital. Almost an ho

ur has passed and when I pull in to park, I notice I'm being watched. A man sitting in a large black truck glares at me from a row over. When he sees me looking, he quickly rolls up his window and starts his engine. As he pulls away, I take notice of the plate number.

Hello asshole.

Beth is standing outside the bathroom door when I get back to the room. I hold up the bag and hand it to her. She smiles slightly, opening the bathroom door and setting it inside. “Cami, your clothes are in there with you. Let me know if you need my help,” Beth says.

“Ok, thank you. Is Jett out there?” Cami asks from behind the bathroom door.

“Yep, he sure is.” She winks at me.

“Tell him I said thank you.”

Beth looks at me and smiles. “Why don't you go home and get some rest?” Beth tells me.

“Yeah, I could use a little rest,” I reply, still holding my helmet in my hands. “Let her know I'll be back later, ok?”

“Certainly,” she says, shooing me away.

My empty house is too quiet, so I get up and head into the living room, flipping on the TV. Wilson must have finished his beer and left when I went back to the hospital. Sitting there, channel surfing, I keep thinking about Cami. Our past and our future. On the surface it feels like a rebound, but deep down it feels like more. I sit here pondering everything as the sun begins to trickle through the blinds. I honestly don't even know if I’ve even slept.

Standing up, I stretch and gather my things to shower. Dressing quickly, I look at the clock and notice it's only seven in the morning. Laughing at myself, I put on a pot of coffee and have a cup before heading out to go see Cami at the hospital.



The shower felt great, but disappointment set in when I got out and heard Jett had left. I've been sitting here in this bed all night unable to sleep. Deep down, I know it's not right of me to wish him here so badly, but there is something about him I can't shake. I draw in a deep breath and close my eyes, trying to figure everything out. I have to tell him. I know I do. But I can’t bring myself to do it yet. Not until I know what’s going on between us. And once Ty is out of the picture, then I can really figure all of this out. A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts and a huge smile crosses my face when he walks in.

“Good morning.” He hands me a cup of coffee.

“Oh my God, you must be psychic,” I reply before taking a sip. The warm liquid feels so good sliding down my throat. “Thank you, I needed that.” I smile.

“Anytime.” He comes to sit by me. “How are you feeling today?”

“Better than I have been,” I admit. He smiles and puts his arm around me, bringing my face close to his.

“I see your stitches are gone,” he says, examining my face.

“Yeah, Beth removed them last night.”

He kisses my forehead. “You ready to blow this Popsicle stand?”

I nod. “Beyond ready.”

“Well, let me go talk to Beth and Dr. Bennett to see if the paperwork is almost ready,” he says with a smirk.