Page 19 of Payback

“Oh you mean an interview. That word has a ‘t’ in it.”

Ella just giggles. “Interview.”

“That's right, baby doll,” Aunt Suz exclaims, handing Ella a piece of candy. “Ella, can you go into the living room and play for a minute? Mama and Aunt Suz need to have a grown up conversation.” Ella nods and skips off into the living room.

“Cami, your mama called right before you got here and she really wants to see the little one.”

“I know she does. I told her I'd bring Ella over one day.”

“Well, I hope you don't mind that I invited her over for dinner Saturday.”

“Of course not,” I reply with a smile.

“Very good dear, now shoo. I've got to get dinner going.” I smile and hug her before heading to our room to pick out what I'm going to wear tomorrow.



The smell of pancakes permeating through the house wakes me up, and I look over, noticing Ella is gone. I begin to panic for a moment, but then I hear her giggling. Getting up and throwing on my robe, I make my way to the kitchen. “Good morning, sleeping beauty,” Uncle Henry says with a chuckle.

“What time is it, anyway?” I ask, yawning loudly.

“It's six thirty. We're early risers around here.”

I nod and take a seat at the table.

“What time is your interview, dear?” Aunt Suz asks, piling way too many pancakes on my plate.

“Nine o'clock.” My nerves are jumping as the minutes tick by. I really need this job so I can get Ella and me our own place.

Uncle Henry walks me out to the car and I think he’s going to give me some advice, but instead he says something I never imagined.

“Some local guys said they’ve some new fellows on motorcycles in town. You know anything about that?”

“No. Why would I?”

“One of ‘em asked about a Camryn Garrett. I can only think of one around these parts.”

So Jett was here, and he was looking for me. Why?

“I don’t know why they would be looking for me,” I answer honestly.

“All right then, good luck at your interview.”

I wave goodbye and speed off so I’m not late. I have to push Jett out of my head for now, I need to focus on getting this job.

The drive to the hospital feels like it’s never going to end. As I race down the long corridor to the personnel office, my heart is about to jump out of my chest. My hand slips when I turn the doorknob, and I giggle, relaxing a little. I compose myself before stepping into the office. A slender woman with thick blonde hair and deep blue eyes looks up at me and smiles. “You must be Camryn.”

“Yes, ma'am.”

“Have a seat and Shelly will be with you shortly.” I nod and take a seat in the small waiting area. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and it’s from Aunt Suz—a picture of Ella holding a sign with “Good Luck Mama!” written on it. I can't help but smile. A petite woman with chestnut colored hair comes around the corner, and I immediately recognize her. “I thought that name was familiar,” she says, shaking my hand. “Well, come on, let’s do this.” I smile and follow her to her office.

I'm thrilled as I leave the hospital after the interview, but I can't stop thinking about what my uncle had said.

Ella and Aunt Suz are on the front porch with snacks and sweet tea when I get back. “You got it, didn't you?” Aunt Suz asks.

“Yes! Happy dance.” Ella giggles and jumps up, joining me in my ridiculous dancing. “I start Monday. Aunt Suz, would you be able to babysit until I can get her in daycare? After school starts, it’ll be much easier.”