Page 305 of 7+Us Makes Nine

“Hey, officer. Yeah I’m ok. Want to come in and… see for yourself?” I giggled, fluttering my eyelashes at him. He winked at me as he walked in, looking around officially.

“Gonna need to get someone over to fix that door,” he said, closing it gently behind him, wincing as it almost fell off the hinges.

He turned to face me, frowning with a mock serious expression on his face.

“You said you’re ok? Well, I’m gonna need to get a better look, Ma’am. Protocol, you understand.”

I opened my mouth with mock surprise, gasping innocently. I walked towards him.

“Oh, I understand, officer.” I said seductively.

I took my heavy sweater off in one movement, exposing my naked body beneath. I squeezed my breasts together with my hands slowly, eyes on Jack’s.

I stooped to drop my comfy pants I was wearing and stepped out of them towards Jack. I was completely naked and only a few feet away. His eyes widened as he studied my naked body.

“Damn, you’re beautiful. Glad I came back…” I put my finger on his lip, silencing him.

He did just save me from Conall. Probably deserves some sort of reward…

I dropped to my knees in front of him, looking up into his eyes as I undid the belt at his jeans. He was already swollen with arousal as I tugged his jeans down, his erection showing through his underwear.

I quickly pulled his boxers down and massaged his cock gently with a hand, eyes still on his as I took him into my mouth…



We were back in Eden’s bed, lazing contentedly after sex. I looked down at her, who was smiling up at me.

Can’t get enough of this girl. How am I supposed to get any work done when I’ve got someone this beautiful at my side? Ah well, fuck it. It’s damn well worth it, that’s for sure.

I sighed with happiness, feeling complete for the first time ever. I felt like a large piece had just fallen into place in the jigsaw that was my life.

I kissed her gently on the lips. She moaned with pleasure and happiness, eyes half closing.

“I’ll have a word with the Lieutenant, see if I can get hold of him today. We’ll get a restraining order on Conall and have him put behind bars if he so much as comes to your house.” I frowned, thinking.

“But if you decide to testify, he’ll find out one way or another. So, it’s best we get you somewhere safe.” She was nodding.

“Ok, Jack. I’ll do it. I’m scared, but to think what he’s done, all the people he’s going to hurt in the future. It would be selfish of me to do nothing.” She was looking up into my eyes.

That’s the way, Eden. Damn, you're brave.

“Good. I’ll give the Lieutenant a call and see I if can meet him today. Get this show on the road.” I paused for a second, remembering Goldie.

“Oh, that guy that punched you. You won’t be seeing him around anymore. I… paid him a visit. Had a little chat. Told him it wasn’t very nice to hit women.” Eden was staring up at me, large adoring eyes. I smiled with pride, enjoying the attention for a second.

“He didn’t agree with me. Tried to shoot me, in fact. So I had to teach him a lesson the hard way. He even had a big bag of drugs right there on the table. Gonna get busted for a long, long time. He gave me some info on Conall, too. So, thanks, Eden. You’ve done me a favor.”

She was shaking her head, tears in her eyes.

“No, Jack. You’ve done more for me already than any other man ever has. It was the least I could do.” A tear began to roll down her face, and I gently wiped it away with my hand.

“Well, I’m not finished yet. I better get ready. Sorry to leave you again, babe. When this is all done, I’ll take a couple weeks off. We can go somewhere nice, and quiet. Finally relax. What do you think?”

She smiled, wiping her eyes. “Sounds good to me, Jack. Go. Have a quick shower here if you want, then go see your Lieutenant. Go get Conall.”
