He said his thanks and I continued watching television in peace. I was too young to not be working. Maybe I should start another company, I kind of missed the work. The technology part of it, not the business side. This time I would bring someone in for all of that.
I dismissed the thought for a moment, but I was always intent on doing something with mobile apps and wired connectivity. I could partner with a bigger company or do it on my own. But like my Mom and Dad retiring, it was just a thought.
I spent the rest of the night with a few beers and a movie, and I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I woke back up with the sun trickling in my eyes and I groaned. Realizing I was still on the couch I got up slowly and made my way back to my bed and shut my blinds. I was just falling back asleep when I heard my phone ring.
“Hello?” I asked groggily
“Dude, it’s eleven in the morning,” Levi said.
Fair enough.
“What’s up?” I rolled out on my bed, putting my phone on speaker. I yawned as I rubbed the water from my eyes. I was getting old, that has to be why I wake up so sore.
“I can’t make it to meet the florist at noon. Help me out, please?”
He sounded like he was driving, speeding too. I didn’t want him getting into an accident or something.
“Sure man, don’t sweat it.”
“Thanks, I’ll send you the address.” He hung up.
I groaned and tried to get a few more minutes of sleep, but then I read his message and found out the meeting was across town at noon, I had to get up.
“Fuck, me.”
Chapter Thirteen
I decided to call Ivy and tell her the good news.
“Hey, are you busy?” I asked her.
“Nope, just sorting the boss’s emails.”
She groaned. That was arguably her least favorite part of the job, the clerical stuff.
“I just got another client. A wedding.”
“Oh yay, I love weddings!” She squealed. It made me laugh because I knew she only liked them because I bring her. She finally got to break her dry spell at the last one.
“I know you do. Anyway, I’m meeting him tomorrow at the shop. I just wanted to tell you, so I could make it official.” I laughed.
“Aw, well I’m happy for you. See, something good did come out of that ball.” Yeah, and into me too.
“Yeah, that’s true.”
We talked for a little bit before we both had to turn in.
The next morning, I went for my run and then showered after my coffee for breakfast. My stomach still got knots when I met with new clients. I dressed in slacks and a silk, purple blouse. I pinned my hair up and put on some lipstick, I wanted to look presentable for the first meeting. Usually, they see me in my flower clothes which are just jeans and a ratty old tee.
I headed to the shop and got there around noon. I usually opened up about one anyway. When I rounded the corner, I nearly tripled in my heels.
I did a double take, even rubbed my eyes and checked to see if I had five fingers and not six before I accepted it. The man from the party was standing outside the shop. He was very concentrated on what was on his phone screen, but it was him. Dashing as ever in his jeans, crisp, linen white shirt, and a messy array of dark blonde hair falling over his forehead.
I felt my heart in my throat, and my chest in my stomach. Or the other way around. I didn’t know what was even going on at all. I couldn’t believe it. The feelings of that night came flooding back to me, and he was so attractive I felt it all over again. The heat creeping up my neck, the clench of my thighs and belly. My fingers were clammy, but it all went away when I put the pieces together.
It was him. He was the groom. He was getting married. Why else would he be at my shop? I never imagined his name being Levi, but I knew it was him who emailed me. Him who was getting married and wanted to make his fiancé happy. One month wasn’t long enough to fall in love and get married, he must have been engaged that night. Bile rose in my throat in disgust.