“I love it. It’s the most rewarding job I could possibly think of.”
“Until you have your own children, of course,” Mr. Romano said with a chuckle.
I clenched my jaw and stared at the tablecloth, biting back a retort. Mrs. Romano set a plate in front of me. “Thank you,” I said to her.
“You’re more than welcome.”
Not before long, she and my mother joined us at the table—my mother sitting beside my father, and Mrs. Romano sitting at the opposite side of the table, across from her husband.
“Dinner looks delicious,” Daddy said.
“Thank you, although I can’t take the credit,” Mrs. Romano said. “It was catered in.”
Every laughed, and I forced myself to join in.
“Luca, will you lead us in saying grace?” Mrs. Romano requested.
My stomach gave an uncomfortable flip as everyone joined hands. Mr. Romano grabbed hold of my left hand, and I suppressed a grimace as Gio took hold of my right hand. Everyone closed their eyes, while I glared down at my lap. I chanced a sideways glance at Gio, only to find him already looking at me from the corner of his eyes. I quickly averted my gaze.
“Dear Lord, thank you for bringing our families together. Let this meal bring us closer, and let fortune be in our favor as we embark on these new and exciting times for Arianna and Giovanni. Amen.”
“Amen,” everyone said in unison.
The moment it was over, I gratefully released Gio’s hand.
“So,” Mr. Romano said, turning toward my father, “tell me a little bit about your business ventures.”
With that, they set off into an enthusiastic conversation as they began their meals. I glanced down the table, noticing that my mother and Mrs. Romano had also made fast friends and were chatting amicably over their meals.
Which left Giovanni and me eating in awkward silence.
He cleared his throat. “So…this was…unexpected,” he said in a low voice.
“I’m sure it was,” I said, unable to hide the bitterness in my voice.
“Well, at least we’re not complete strangers, right? Maybe fate arranged our meeting beforehand?”
“I doubt that.”
Perhaps sensing my hostile tone, Gio raised his eyebrows. “Uhm…so—why don’t you tell me a little more about yourself?”
“Oh, so you’re actually interested in knowing more now?”
He blinked. At that point, I noticed his father briefly catch his eye. Gio smiled, clearly trying to pretend that everything was going well. My father caught my gaze too. Instead of smiling though, I stuffed a bite of my dinner roll into my mouth.
“Listen, we have to make the best out of this,” Gio said quietly. “I’m willing to put in the effort. You’re beautiful, your folks seem like nice people—”
“Your folks seem like nice people too. I just wish I could say the same for you.”
Giovanni swore under his breath and reached for his drink.
The rest of our meal continued in relative silence.