“Fuck, Jack. I’m coming!” I managed to gasp through the overwhelming ecstasy, the pleasure almost too much.
He had lost all self-control at my words and was fucking me faster and harder. A moment later I felt his cock convulse within me, feeling his orgasm as he came inside me. I squealed again with pleasure. He grunted with each convulsion, eyes on mine as he orgasmed.
I was amazed a second wave of pleasure came over me, and I bit his shoulder in an attempt to stop myself from screaming out again. His orgasm finished with one final thrust deep into me. I gasped, looking down at him. I couldn't move. My knees felt weak and the pleasure was still swimming in my head, rolling around my body like electricity.
“Fuck, Eden. You’re amazing,” he panted.
I nodded at him, unable to speak as the pleasure started to fade.
“So are you. Damn, Jack. I’m not letting you leave this bed for a week.”
I felt a big hand at the small of my back as he drew me towards him, kissing me gently and brushing my hair back over a shoulder. He looked up at me, expression serious. I could still feel him hard inside me.
“I’m not going anywhere, Eden. I’m yours now.”
A few months after I’d taken down Conall O’Rourke and his gang, I’d been promoted to Lieutenant, following my boss’s retirement. I had mixed emotions. I was happy to be promoted but sad at the same time to lose the guy I had been able to count on when things were at their worst, and he’d given the freedom and support I’d needed to get my job done.
There was a huge party in the office that Friday, following a long and heartfelt speech from my Lieutenant. He’d called me up unannounced and asked me to say a few words. I was surprised that I spoke with ease in front of the detectives who were left following the arrest and dishonorable discharge of the corrupt ones. Eyes were fixed on me with respect, hanging on every word.
I knew I was gonna make a good Lieutenant now that the department was clean. I could recruit some new detectives. My detectives. Guys I’d vetted and train them into a mold similar to mine. The streets were gonna be a lot safer now, I knew.
My promotion wasn’t official until Frank had left the office. So we drank, laughed and told stories, reminiscing over old times. Frank’s wife had come into the office for the party, and Eden was at my side as we chatted away.
Marlene was much nicer than the image Frank had painted for me, and I guessed his complaining about her was mainly from exasperation and possibly his sense of humor. She invited us over for a barbeque that Sunday. It would give Frank a day to recover, she had said, laughing good naturedly. We happily accepted. It was good to know I could call on my old boss for advice, and he said he’d be there anytime.
We went to the bar across the road after the party died down. Eden, Frank, Marlene and I, plus a few of the other detectives who didn’t have young kids remained. Lucas joined us a little later, and I was pleased to see him fully recovered from his encounter with Conall. Even Kale made an appearance, and he was due to start back at work in a week or two under my command.
We drank, talked and laughed into the early hours. Eventually we left, reluctantly. Eden and I walked slowly back to her place, arms linked. I sighed, still amazed at how good her presence felt by my side. Her hips swayed as she walked, and she looked up at me contentedly.
“Congratulations, Lieutenant. Sir.” She peered at me seriously followed by a sarcastic salute. We both laughed aloud.
“That’s enough of that, or I’ll have to get the handcuffs out again, ma’am.” I smiled and felt a stirring at the thought.
“Oh no, please don’t. That would be simply awful, Jack.” She giggled.
I looked down at her and kissed her on the top of her head.
“You didn’t drink much tonight. Everything ok babe?” I asked with concern. She’d been sick this morning before heading to work, and I was worried she was ill.
“I’m fine, Jack. Honest. Just been feeling a bit gross today, that’s all.” I nodded, the raucous laughter from the group at the bar still ringing in my ears. I smiled contentedly.
We made our lazy way back to Eden’s. I’d moved in soon after Conall’s arrest. Eden had insisted, and I was glad to be out of my small apartment. We were looking for somewhere bigger, on the nice side of town. I could afford a decent mortgage, and Eden brought in good money from her jobs, though she’d cut down her shifts at the bar somewhat since we had begun to share our finances.
Things were good, and we were happy. Eden had kept hinting about something, and I guessed it was kids. That or marriage, or both. My gut twisted nervously at the thought. For some reason, I didn’t get scared when someone pointed a gun at me, but the thought of being a Dad scared the shit out of me.
She’d insisted on moving to a bigger house as soon as we found one, settling down. Somewhere near the school, in a safe area of town. I smiled to myself.
Well, most places are safe, now. Much safer. And if they ain’t they sure will be when Lieutenant Jack Storm get his best men on the case.
I’d talked Lucas into agreeing to go for detective. Neither of them knew it yet, but I was gonna pair him with Kale. They’d make an awesome team, and I couldn’t wait to get them working for me. They wouldn’t take any shit, and they talk to me straight. Wouldn’t bullshit me.
I squeezed Eden as we approached the house, sighing with pleasure at the feel of her shapely body. She patted me firmly on the butt, and ruffled the back of my neck.
“Now get that door open and get upstairs on that bed. That’s an order.” I leaned in to kiss her passionately as she opened the door, hand fumbling with the lock.