Conall strode into the room, looking bored, a half smile on his face as he studied the faded surroundings.
“Come on, Eden. You can do better than this dump. If you had decided to come crawling back to me, you’d be living it up in a five-star hotel.” He shook his head.
“Oh, your cop friend ain't looking too good. Leaking all over the place. Don’t think he’s gonna make it. In fact, he’s dead already. Sorry about that. He shot first though, honest!” He laughed cruelly, and one of the unscathed goons behind him chuckled in approval.
“Ain’t as if he can say otherwise now, is it boys?” He sat on the bed, elbows on his knees.
“Shark. Check if there’s anything to drink, would ya?” He frowned at his wounded comrade.
“And Sunny, what the fuck, man? You look like shit.” He turned to face the fourth guy.
“Delroy. Go and patch him up. Keep an eye out for our friend. The one Eden loves so much. We’re gonna have it out, me and him. Thinks he can steal my girl, take me down? Well, we’ll see about that, won’t we! I’m king of this fucking jungle!” His voice rose with anger and he swung his arm wildly, smashing the bedside lamp with a spade-like hand.
The guy Conall had called Shark pushed past me, shoving me out the way. I stumbled into the wall, my mind racing.
Shit. He’s pissed and out of control. Hope he doesn’t hurt me before Jack gets here. But when he does get here, Conall, you’re going down.
Shark grabbed three beers from the six pack, and I was surprised when he handed me one. He winked at me. I shuddered at the cold gaze from his black, soulless eyes.
“Here you go, boss,” he said in a deep, emotionless monotone. His sharp teeth showed yellow through a horrid smirk.
The ugly bastard does look just like a shark. A huge, fat, ugly shark, that is.
Conall opened the beer and drained half the contents. He took out a pipe and lighter and started smoking meth, casually dragging at the pipe and breathing out plumes of thick, acrid smoke. He passed the pipe to Shark, who took it with a curt nod. Conall turned to face me.
“Well now, Eden. You thought you could snitch on me and run?” He tutted, wagging a finger at me.
“I got contacts, you know. A… friend… of mine, told me he’d seen you leaving with your old pal Lucas. Well, Lucas and I had a little chat. He wasn’t so tough when he was lying bleeding on the floor. Told me everything to save his sorry ass. His wife though… wow. Wouldn’t guess she’s squeezed four kids out. If I’d had more time…” He trailed off, eyes wide from the meth.
“Anyway, I’m getting distracted. I knew what you and your boyfriend were up to the instant I heard about you leaving the house earlier with Lucas. Fucking Lucas!” His voice shook with rage.
“I should have known! Him and Jack and you, all best buddies! Sneaking around behind my back, thinking you’re clever! Well who’s clever now?”
Shark spoke up.
“You are boss, got ‘em good. Our boys should be clearing out the… uh, the warehouse. Ain’t gonna be no evidence against you. Cathal’s sorting it out. If Jack shows up, the yardie will get him. He’s mean and quick.” Conall was nodding at him.
“Let’s hope so. Or he’s in trouble, I swear. I don’t pay him for nothing.” He turned to face me, sighing and leaning back.
“So what are we gonna do with you, sweetheart?” He eyed me up and down. I crossed my arms and opened the can of beer, trying to remain calm as I sipped at the contents.
“Shark. I think she’s shy. What do you think we should do?” He addressed his thug, shrugging his shoulders in feigned boredom.
God I hate you, Conall.
“You should kill her. Now. Before she gets a chance to talk. Simple. I’ll do it, if you want,” he said, coldly.
Conall was laughing, shaking his head.
“Everything’s simple when you’ve got a small shark brain, moron. And what do you think Jack is gonna do if he shows up and we’ve shot her? He’s gonna call his clean little cop buddies and they’re gonna swarm all over us.” He paused, leaning forward to poke Shark in the chest.
“Even th
e guys we’ve made a deal with won’t be able to do anything if we murder a witness in cold blood. They’ll be forced to make a show of dissociating themselves from us. Probably suddenly become best buddies with Jack and come down here for the shootout with him.”
He looked out of the dirty window, expression closed. His jaw bunched as he thought.
“No, what we’re gonna do is have a little chat with Jack boy when he gets here. ‘Cause I think he’s working alone. If the other cops knew, I’d know about it too. He’s gonna rush over here and try and be a hero, single handedly saving this bitch. That’s if he’s still alive. Cathal’s probably got him by now.” He smiled cruelly.