Page 309 of 7+Us Makes Nine

“Wow. I’m so happy for you both. I reckon you’ll be good for each other. I mean it.” He nodded at me. I smiled sweetly back at him, glowing at the thought of Jack and me together with Lucas’s blessing. I knew they were good friends and it meant a lot to have him rooting for us.

“Alright then, Eden. Let’s get out of here. Drive’s gonna be indirect. Gotta make sure we aren’t followed. Sorry if we have to go back on ourselves a few times.”

I stood up, pouring the remnants of our drinks into the sink. I steeled myself, taking one last glance around the kitchen before going to grab my bags from the couch. I turned to face Lucas who was standing behind me, expression closed, arms crossed.

“Ok, Lucas. Let’s get out of here.”


A little while later we were driving steadily along the interstate out of town, arid pastures as far as the eye could see on both sides. Large cacti loomed all round us, casting a long shadow in the dusty soil. My gaze wandered around the horizon taking in the monotonous scenery with a distracted boredom.

I leaned over to click the radio to a different station, annoyed by the incessant soft rock Lucas had been nodding his head to.

He glanced over his shoulder at me.

“Sorry, Eden. Don’t know what music you like.” He shrugged, eyes back on the road. Dust swirled in front of us, a red haze drifting across my vision in the early afternoon sun.

“Not long now. Almost there. Gonna stop at an old motel, like I said. Ain’t the best, but there won’t be anyone there, most likely. There’s no way Conall is gonna find you here.”

I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes, relaxing into the passenger seat. It felt good to be away from town, and the danger seemed a little more distant.

Lucas pulled the car into the parking lot of a rundown motel.

“We’re here,” he said, stopping the car.

The motel was nothing more than a row of tired rooms. The sun reflected off the windows, dazzling my eyes.

“Your room’s the one in front of us. I got some food in there for you, some water, snacks. Six pack of beers too, in the fridge.” He looked around at the two other cars in the lot. He pointed to one, a few spaces down from ours.

“See that car. That’s Al’s. Me and Al go way back. Hell, we went through the academy with Jack. He’s solid, ain’t never taken a bribe. Nothing more he likes than locking up scumbags. He’s gonna sit there, in his car, until I call him. He’s got a few days of food and fuel, and he’s gonna keep you safe. You get any trouble, you scream or run to his car.”

Lucas wiped a hand over his face, eyes narrow as he spoke quickly.

“I gotta get back home. Maria ain’t well, and the four kids are restless. She’ll never forgive me if I stay here.” He shook his head.

“That’s ok, Lucas. You got me here, safe. Call me if anything happens, okay?” I said, tapping him on the shoulder in thanks. He passed me a key for the room.

“You got it. Now go relax, watch some movies. Have a few beers. Won’t be long before you’re back home and curled up with Jack, or whatever it is you two get up to.” He grunted a laugh as I left the car.

I walked quickly to the door of my room, waving at Lucas as he reversed, car heading off on the road back to town.

Sighing, I entered the room. It was drab and tired Definitely needed a little love, but it was quite spacious, large double bed in the middle to the right. Big fairly modern looking flat screen TV opposite of that. A few bags sat on the table to the side of the TV, next to a large refrigerator.

I opened the fridge, studying the contents. I smiled at the pack of beers Lucas had left for me.

The shower was big and decent enough though a little dirty.

Well, I guess this is my home for a little while. Better get comfy and try to relax.

I looked longingly at the large, sturdy bed in front of me.

If only Jack was with me. I’m sure we could have some fun here. A few days would fly by in an instant…

I dozed on the bed for a few hours after watching a film and having some of the food Lucas had left for me. I rose to grab a cold beer from the fridge.

I felt safe enough but homesick. I was desperately missing Jack’s presence even though we’d only been together for less than a day. I longed for him and could think of little else. The quiet, dull motel room wasn’t helping. My mind swam in a tired haze, imagining our possible future together.

Suddenly, gunshots rang out in the parking lot. My stomach clenched with fear. I heard shouting from a few voices, one screaming in panic. More gunshots rang out from what sounded like an exchange between three or four people. The shots ceased after a brief moment.