Page 294 of 7+Us Makes Nine

She looked down at her feet nervously. Her face was conflicted, unchecked emotions and worry present.

“I… ah… well, I want him out of my life, but I’m scared, Jack. He’s nasty, would do anything to get what he wants.” She looked up at me, and my heart broke at the vulnerability showing in her eyes.

“Listen, I’ll have a word with my boss. He’s a good guy, clean as me. See if we can get you into witness protection before we take Conall down. You’ll be safe. I can get Lucas to help, too.” I looked into her eyes, longing to help her.

“I’ll think about it. Can you give me some time? Just need to make sure, y’know.” She was gazing out into the distance, the dusk around us beginning to settle into darkness.

“Sure. Look, I’ll give you my cell. It’s always on. Always. You get any trouble from anyone, you call me. I’ll be there in 5, any time. I promise.” I scribbled my number down on a note and passed it to her. She smiled back at me, pressing the folded note into her bra. I found my eyes following her hand.

Damn. Shit, stay focused.

“There’s one more thing. I’ll need a sample of that meth, Eden. You got it at your house?”

“Yeah, it’s back home. I was gonna bring some, but I didn’t think it was a good idea, y’know.” She said softly, eyes on mine.

“You did the right thing, doll. Don’t worry. I’ll have to come over and get some. Just have to make sure I’m not seen…” I trailed off, thinking.

“Well, you could come through the back of the house. All you gotta do is sneak in. There’s an alleyway behind my back yard. You could jump over the wall right? You won’t be seen that way.” She looked at me proudly.

Damn, you’ve got this all planned out, don’t you? Got a match for my wit right here.

I laughed good naturedly. “You know what, you’d make a great detective, Eden. Smart… and beautiful. When’s good to come over?” She blushed at my compliment, smiling.

“Tomorrow night. We should make it late, after I’ve finished work. I’m working until close though. Come over about 11. That ok?”

“It’s a date.” I winked at her. She giggled back at me, her eyes on mine.

I leaned over and kissed her quickly on the lips again then rose to leave.

“Remember. Any trouble, call me.” I jogged back to my car, a plan forming in my mind.



I’d got back home that night after meeting Jack feeling both nervous and excited. I wasn’t an expert at covert operations by any stretch of the imagination, but I was pretty confident I hadn’t been seen by Conall or any of his goons. Even if they saw me leave, the chances of them managing to follow unnoticed and catch my meeting with Jack were remote.

My woman’s intuition was telling me that I’d gotten away with it, and it felt good. I’d had a spring in my step for the whole following day, smiling and chatting with colleagues and customers alike at the diner. I was back to my bubbly, confident and slightly flirtatious self at the bar.

I found myself thinking of Jack, his large, strong and masculine presence so close to me in the car. His smell, the taste of his lips as he’d kissed me gently at first, then more passionately as his desire grew. I was barely able to ask him to stop, and I wondered how I’d managed to stop him from having his way with me in the back of the car, there and then.

I had a recurring day dream, the image of us writhing together in the back of the car, windows steamed up, straddling Jack as he thrust into me, large hands guiding my hips as our eyes were locked....

Calm down, Eden. You’re seeing him tonight. Let’s hope he’s as good as you’ve been building him up to be in your mind…

In reality though, I wanted companionship, security and protection more than I wanted sex. But it had been so long, I could barely think of anything else.

I hope he’s not only using me to get at Conall. He seems genuine, like he really cares. Still, some men will do anything to get in your pants, and with the bonus of taking down Conall as well…

I shrugged off the niggling doubt which whispered unbound at the back of my mind. There was no way of knowing if Jack was using me, or even if he was just after something casual. I was going to have to wait and see and enjoy whatever happened nonetheless.

I was equally excited and nervous as I returned home. I had less than an hour before Jack was due to turn up, and I wanted to look good.

I had worn an understated outfit to work, wanting to save the best for Jack. I went upstairs and quickly shrugged my way out of my clothes, dropping my work outfit and underwear into the laundry basket. I felt the chill of the bedroom air on my naked body, nipples hardening slightly as I quickly tidied up.

I’ve got a feeling I’ll be bringing Jack up to see my bedroom soon… and a lot more besides…

Satisfied that the room was presentable, I found myself looking at my naked body in the bedroom mirror. Petite, but buxom. Full figured. I was confident about my body, and Jack sure didn’t seem to mind it. I frowned slightly at my slightly unkempt bush, dark hair that was obscuring my pussy. I decided to give the hair a trim, heading to the bathroom to grab my electric razor.