Page 292 of 7+Us Makes Nine

I thought it was probably best she not be seen talking to any cops at all, at least until I’d come up with a plan of how to keep her safe and take down everyone who was a risk to her.

I sighed, settling back into the couch in my living room. I had my work cut out for me over the next three days, trying to find a lead on the O’Rourke’s operation whilst trying to keep my mind off of Eden. It wasn’t going to be easy.


The days passed uneventfully. I’d reached a brick wall with the case as it was, and the secretive nature of the investigation was making things even harder. I couldn’t speak to any cops. I had to rely solely on my instinct and knowledge of the streets.

I felt like there were enemies everywhere. When I got into the office, there were eyes on me. Watching, probably reporting back to Conall since I’d been spotted talking to Eden.

On the streets, the signs of meth dealing were evident. However, the dealers had become more discreet, perhaps with a warning from Conall to keep things low key in case I was looking around. Plus, if he’d made a deal with any corrupt officers he’d want to not cause too much trouble on the streets, or they might be forced to act against him.

The only thing I’d found out so far was that Goldie was no longer selling meth from the corner I’d told him to stick to. I imagined he’d had enough of making peanuts while the distributors above him were raking in a fortune.

Greedy fuck. He’s probably trying to worm his way in with Conall. Probably reckons Conall will keep him safe from me.

No chance, Goldie.

In effect I was a one-man force, with the Captain and the Lieutenant the only two who had an inkling of what I was up to. Even the Captain himself asked not to be told any details. So when I had something, I was to report back to the Lieutenant. Then we would have to very quickly take down whoever we had dirt on, make the arrests before word could get out.

I had smiled absently when I wondered if the Lieutenant would choose to come on the bust with me. One last hurrah before he retired. I wouldn’t be surprised, he was one of the best detectives on the force when I had been a green cop, fresh out of police academy. He had been my role model, and I strived to emulate his clean policing as best I could.

I think that’s why I felt so bad about the things I did undercover. But he’d brushed that aside, told me he had to do the same. No point in dwelling on the past now.

Thursday had finally arrived, the two and a bit days since I last met Eden seeming more like two and a bit weeks. I was nervous and excited, and wished desperately we were going out for a nice meal somewhere.

Not meeting under an abandoned bridge out in the middle of nowhere.

As I drove on a roundabout route to the destination, keeping an eye for any unusual traffic following me, I thought more about the case and how Eden would become involved.

This is getting personal now. So much for professional detachment. Just gotta get Eden out of harm's way somehow until Conall is behind bars. When she’s safe I’ll be able to concentrate. I’ll be able to enact my vengeance on Conall.

I arrived at the rendezvous point, confident I hadn’t been followed. I saw a car parked under the shadow of the bridge. I looked briefly down at the large, flashy silver watch on my right wrist. The silver hands showed 08:02pm against the light blue watch face.

Damn. Late to our first date. Not good.

I took one last look around the deserted landscape. Nothing. I left the car quickly and jogged over to what I hoped was Eden’s car. I saw a small female figure sat in the driver's seat as I approached. No one in the back seats. My right hand relaxed from the tight grip I had on my glock in it’s holster at my hip.

I tapped gently on the window and Eden looked up at me, wide eyes. Then she smiled, a big, friendly grin lighting up her face. She brushed her hair back over an ear and gestured nervously for me to enter the car.

Damn. Stay focused, Jack. Try and keep your eyes on her face this time…

I got in the passenger’s seat and found my knees up against the dashboard. I tried awkwardly for the handle of the seat to push it back.

Eden laughed at me. I smiled back at her as I fumbled for the handle.

“Sorry, Jack. Not used to having anyone so tall in the car.” She was still laughing at me as she leaned forward to get the handle under the seat. Her hand brushed past my leg and I could smell her perfume and hair as she leaned forward. Her head was only a few inches from mine.

“There we go,” she said, and the seat clicked back half a foot or so.

She looked up at me, eyes wide. A smile still on her face, but there was a glint in her eyes.

Does she want me to kiss her? Is that desire I can see in her eyes? I mean, shit. She’s still leaning over towards me. Well, here goes nothing.

I brought my hand up to her face, gently brushing her long hair back with my right hand as I softly caressed the fading bruise on her cheek. My hand looked huge against her small features, and I pushed her head up to face mine by her chin, leaning forward. Her lips parted slightly and a flush of color rose to her cheeks.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers, gently at first. Her smell and presence filled my senses as I kissed her again, slightly harder this time. She returned the kiss, her hand on my thigh, squeezing me gently.

I reached my hand around behind her neck and cradled her head as I caressed her tongue with mine, groaning with desire. She tasted sweet, and I could feel the warmth from her buxom body as we kissed. I felt myself swelling at the thought of her naked, imagination running wild…