Page 291 of 7+Us Makes Nine

He winked at me as he walked away, stuffing the change and notes into the pocket of his trench coat.

He took a seat in an empty booth near the door, facing away from me. I saw him finish his beer quickly then rise to leave, transferring the bills I’d given him from his pocket to his wallet as he approached the door.

I felt unease as he left, hoping any unwanted eyes had bought the ruse.

If anyone saw me slip that note into his change, well, then I’m screwed…

I startled slightly as a rough figure approached me at the bar. I recognised the guy I’d seen earlier, who had been grinning as I’d entered and had turned to stare when I’d been chatting with Jack.

He ordered a straight bourbon and downed it in one, ordering another one immediately after, gasping as he downed the second.

He looked at me, smiling as he spoke. His voice was quiet but wore an evil sneer on his face. “You played that well, girl. Keep being good and Conall won’t have to keep an eye on you so much.”

He turned to look over his shoulder at the door Jack had just walked through.

“But if we see you talking to him again, things won’t go so easy. Don’t want him poking his nose in where it ain’t wanted. If he does start sniffing around, there’ll be trouble. For both of you.”

He wagged a dirty finger as he left, not even bothering to leave any money for the drinks. One of the regulars, a large but well-muscled ex-logger offered to stop him from leaving without paying. I shook my head, not wanting to cause any trouble now that I had Conall off my case.

For now, at least. The moron he sent to watch me bought it. I just need to keep my head down until Thursday, then the rest will be up to Jack…



I left the bar after finishing my beer quickly, my mind racing. Anger was rising up within me, my stomach tight with rage. I’d barely tasted the beer as I drank it, downing the large glass in about three big gulps. My fists were clenched as I walked through the heavy rain, feeling the water starting to seep through my once-immaculate white shirt.

I knew even before Eden said anything that she had been punched quite hard on the cheek, the bruise spreading to darken her eye slightly. I hadn’t even listened to her lame excuse about how it had happened. Hell, she hadn’t even made a decent attempt at covering it up.

As a kid growing up I’d seen the same on my Mom time and time again. Bruises from the fists of my alcoholic, good for nothing Dad. He’d been a gambler, drinker and small time criminal, stealing or selling anything he could to fund his habits. He had seen himself as a roaming maverick, card player, drinker, and gunslinger.

Inn reality he stank at playing cards and drank way too much to be anything other than useless at most types of gambling. He’d thought it funny to give me a similar name to an old nineteenth century western gambler and gunslinger, hoping I’d grow up in my Dad’s image. My Mom hadn’t found it very funny. I had vowed from a young age to be nothing like him, and in a perverse way it was him I had to thank for deciding to become a cop in the first place.

He had walked out one day without saying a word, not even the old classic about going to buy smokes. Just left halfway through dinner, got up and walked out, his plate of food unfinished. We had never seen him again.

Good riddance

I’d decided to wait until reading Eden’s note. I guessed she thought that Conall was having her watched, and from the look of the guy in the booth nearest the bar I had to agree with her. She had played the whole thing damn well, and I was impressed. She was definitely very smart. I liked her even more, desire rising within me before the anger had started to build, fuelled by long dormant memories of my childhood.

Ain’t no way I’m gonna let Conall hurt her again. Scumbag just bought himself a one way ticket to jail.

I got back to my apartment near the center of town, taking off my trench coat and removing the wallet from the inside pocket. I removed the slightly damp note Eden had written. Luckil

y the words were still legible. Neat, curly handwriting covered the scrap of paper in blue ink. I sighed wistfully as I imagined Eden writing the note.

Jack, sorry for what I had to say. I’ll make you understand, don’t worry. I still want to have that date, but I’m in a bit of trouble and I think I’m being watched. Let’s talk. I’ve got some info you might find useful. Meet me under the old road bridge west of town, the one that was closed years ago. Thursday at 8pm. We should be able to meet there without any prying eyes. Eden xxx

I smiled ironically. Not a very romantic first date, but it would do nonetheless. I knew the old road bridge she was talking about, it had been closed years ago when a new interstate had been built a few miles to the north. No one went out that way much anymore, and the chances of bumping into anyone were remote.

She’s done well. I’m starting to like this girl even more. Clever and beautiful.

I gritted my teeth as desire rose within me, an image of her smiling at me from behind the bar forming in my head. I groaned audibly, not wanting to wait until Thursday before seeing her again, but I needed to keep her safe. I knew that if she was seen chatting with me again she’d be in serious trouble.

I just wished she had my cell number, so she could call me if she got in trouble. I’d be there in instant.

She seems strong though. She can look after herself, keep out of trouble. All she’s gotta do is pretend nothing’s up and damn well make sure she ain’t seen talking to any cops.

Reluctantly I decided that it was best to wait until we met on Thursday and that she was smart enough to stay out of trouble with Conall in the meantime. I made a mental note to have a quiet word with Lucas about what was going on, just in case he decided to go visit.