Page 290 of 7+Us Makes Nine

Most faces I recognized, but there were one or two I didn’t. A guy sat in the booth nearest to the bar smiled at me as I walked past, a little too suspiciously.

OK. So I’m guessing I’ve got an audience then. Stay cool, Eden. You can do this.

I swapped with the girl Amy who’d been covering the early shift. She winced when she saw my face, but didn’t say anything. We barely knew each other as we’d never worked a double shift together, and I guessed she thought it was probably better not to ask.

I was glad to not have to repeat the story for a tenth time already today.

I set about serving the regulars, chatting away with them calmly as they nursed their beers. I brushed off their concern over my bruised face, explaining the imaginary drunken fall I had on Saturday. A couple of the guys laughed good naturedly at my story. I made sure I said it loud enough for those sitting in the booths nearby to hear.

As I’d expected, only a few more drinkers turned up over the course of the evening, and the shift was slow. It would almost have been boring if my heart wasn’t hammering in my chest at the thought of seeing Jack again.

A little while later the door swung open and a tall figure walked in. My eyes widened when I saw Jack standing there as he surveyed the drinkers inside.

He was wearing his usual jeans and shiny boots, doubled with an immaculate bleached white shirt which fitted his athletic form perfectly. His black leather trench coat adorned his broad shoulders, the collar turned up against the rain that was pouring down outside.

He brushed water off of his short blonde hair as he approached the bar, and I saw the muscles of his arm strain against the leather of his jacket.

I felt a tingle of desire mixed with nervousness as I studied him, feeling immediately safe at his presence. I figured it was gonna be a short visit, but all the while he was here I was untouchable.

I smiled at him as he approached, his eyes meeting mine as he looked up. He immediately frowned with concern as he saw the bruise on my face.

“Hey, Eden. Everything alright?” he said, in a deep voice strained with genuine worry.

I think I know how you could make everything better…

“Hey. Yeah, everything's fine. Nothing to worry about. Just had an accident when I was out drinking with a friend on Saturday night. Stumbled right into a door I thought she was gonna hold open for me!” I giggled nervously, brushing my hair back over an ear as his gaze intensified, his eyes studying my features.

Good. He thinks it’s bullshit. Now for phase two…

“Can I get you a drink?” I said, hands on the bar in front of Jack. I longed to lean over, grab him by his shirt, bring his face down to meet mine…

He was still frowning at me as I spoke, and I could see his mind working behind his clear eyes.

“Yeah. Sure, I’ll take a pale ale.” He took a seat on a stool, drumming his fingers on the bar as I poured his drink.

I turned to look at him as I poured the beer. He was returning my gaze, his expression fixed with concern and consternation. I think he’d already worked out what had happened and was already thinking about getting revenge.

Or at least, that’s what I’m hoping…

I took a deep breath as I approached, putting the glass down gingerly in front of him. I needed to get this part just right, or I was afraid I’d never see him again.

“Listen. I don’t think we should meet on Thursday. I uh… well I don’t think I’m ready for anything yet. I’m sorry. I hope you understand.” I looked into his eyes, my expression pleading.


His face lit up in a broad, friendly smile and he sat back, taking a long drink from his beer. He set the glass down in front of him then looked back into my eyes.

“Sure thing, Eden. If you say you ain’t ready, you ain’t ready. I won’t bother you any more, darlin’.” His eyes flashed with an unreadable glint as he fished in his jacket for a bill, setting it down in front of me.

“Keep the change,” he said, rising to leave his seat at the bar.


I glanced down at the twenty he’d put down.

“Hey, no that’s too much. I’ll get myself a drink out of it and you can have the rest back. I insist.” I waited for his response with my breath held.

“Whatever you say, Eden.” He waited for me to open a beer for myself and fetch him his change. I carefully slipped my handwritten note between two fives as I passed him the money, grateful for the brief contact between our hands.