Page 288 of 7+Us Makes Nine

I awoke early on Monday, eager to get started on what would hopefully be my case by the time I got into work. My mind had also been equally filled with thoughts of Eden, and I felt a tingle of excitement at the thought of seeing her again at the bar after work. Since Friday I’d found thoughts of her a pleasant distraction from what was otherwise an uneventful weekend. I’d been to see Kale, who was recovering well physically but still didn’t seem his usual, confident self. I didn’t expect him to be back at work any time soon.

I sure don’t want most of those other cops in my department as my partner. No, I’ll work this case alone until I have all the evidence I need.

There were a couple good reasons why I wanted to work the case on my own. First off, I knew it would be a fairly high-profile case, and I would be set to earn a great deal of prestige if I took down the O’Rourke gang. Also, you never knew who was listening. Hell, even straight cops talked about their cases to other cops and their families. I didn’t want word getting to Conall O’Rourke or any of his associates, or even details spilled to the corrupt cops would probably be just as bad.

I thought about what the old cop had said on Friday at the office. The way I figured, by the time the case was in full swing I was pretty sure they would have had a chat or two with Conall O’Rourke. If Conall was really good he’d have approached them, made some sort of offer in a dingy bar or restaurant somewhere, handing over a couple brown envelopes stuffed full of bills.

The old Conall I knew would have been too greedy, but this time he’d managed to pretty much corner the meth market in the town. If you went around killing and intimidating everybody, there’d be no dealers left to work for you and no cops to cover your tracks.

No, it seems Conall has smartened up at least a little since my time undercover. Maybe he’s been plotting this takeover since the day he left town. I better be damn careful.

One thing was for sure though, if any of those old cops were making deals with Conall or interfered with the case, I’d be taking them down too. That and working the case alone would give me an edge over all my adversaries. There wouldn’t be any chance of info getting to the wrong people if I played my cards right.

And I always did.

I got to work a couple hours after waking up, feeling refreshed and strong after a good workout and a big breakfast, washed down with a black coffee. I’d brought a spare, crisply ironed white shirt with me to change into after work which I’d left in my

locker, wanting to look as sharp as possible for when I met Eden.

I arrived at my desk just before 9am, straightening my trench coat over my shoulders and checking my white collar was showing over the top of the jacket’s neck. I knew I looked smart, strong, and not someone it would be wise to mess with. I felt a few furtive glances sent my way from a couple of other older detectives. Probably jealous, I figured.

I made myself another coffee before sitting down at my desk, having taken a thick notepad and a few pens from stationary. There was no way I was gonna start filling the case wall out with names and details. That would be the quickest way for Conall to catch wind of what I was up to.

Before getting started I went through my morning ritual. I took out both of my pistols and released the clips from both. I emptied the rounds from the clips and placed them carefully on my desk. I usually let the springs relax for a while or so every day. Didn’t want a bullet not fully entering the chamber when I needed it most.

Then I put my feet up on the desk, legs crossed as I waited for my coffee to cool a little. My mind was going over what I knew so far about the case and what I would need to take Conall’s gang down.

Movement from over to my right caught my eye. My heart rate increased as I saw Lucas and two other cops heading for the Lieutenant’s office. Lucas looked calm, his expression guarded yet confident. Head held high as he surveyed the department.

Good work, Lucas boy. Knew I could count on you. Go get me my case, brother.

I’d have to buy Lucas beers for the rest of our days if I made Lieutenant from this case, I thought, smiling to myself.

I guessed it wouldn’t take long for the cops to go over their evidence and thoughts with the Lieutenant. With a hand shaking slightly from pure excitement, I downed my coffee. I set to putting my bullets back into both my guns carefully and methodically, distracting myself with routine.

Opening the notepad, I began to make a few quick points. It was all clear in my mind, but I knew I’d have to be organised on this one. The Lieutenant would want to see everything mapped out. Times. Dates. Names. Places. Crimes.

I knew there were a few vital pieces of the puzzle I still knew little about. First off was the lab, assuming there was one. With consistent, fairly high-grade meth being produced, there had to be some sort of cook and lab. If there was, I’d need to find it.

Secondly, I’d need solid evidence against Conall. Which could be done by catching him red handed, if he did something stupid. But chances were he now had people doing all the dirty work for him.

Therefore, the third jigsaw piece was finding out who were his top associates, dealers, enforcers, and distributors. If I could get dirt on them, they might then make a deal for a lighter sentence if they dished the dirt on Conall. That was probably the most solid chance I had of taking the whole gang down in one fell swoop. If one talked, then the others would likely follow suit. As long as we could promise them protection from the O’Rourkes behind bars, of course.

Finally, there was Eden. She’d recognised me from somewhere, and I’d quickly figured out it was from my time undercover. That meant when she first saw me she thought I was still rolling with Conall, and for some reason that made her shit scared.

So what does she know? Is she willing to talk?

At the same time I knew I was really attracted to this girl, and if she was any near as nice as she was hot, then I couldn’t see her wanting anything casual. I could see myself falling for her real quick.

I don’t want to get her involved in this mess. Should I tell her about the case? If she was scared of Conall I doubt she’d go running to him at the first sign of trouble.

For once I was stumped. I shook my head, resolving to think about the matter later,nwhich I struggled with repeatedly. She was on my mind all the time, and while it was a pleasant distraction, I felt uneasy that my mind wasn’t as sharp as usual.

Lucas came swaggering over to my desk, one thumb through his belt, the other pointing back over his shoulder. He was trying his best not to smile.

“Lieutenant wants to see you, Storm. Says it’s urgent.” His eyes were bright with excitement as he winked at me.

“All right. Thanks Lucas. I’ll be right in.” I tried to act as casual as possible as I rose to walk to the Lieutenant’s office. I felt a few eyes on me as I passed through the department.