“Oh, him?” I feigned ignorance. “I just thought he was Lucas’s friend. Didn’t realise he was a detective.” I frowned thoughtfully.
“I won’t speak to him again, if that will make you happy. He wasn’t asking about you or anything, anyhow. Just wanted some drinks is all.” I waited with breath held.
“You better be telling me the truth. ‘Cause if you ain’t, me and my boys here will come back. And we won't be so nice,” Conall spat. The guy with the gold teeth was grinning, teeth flashing under the light above him. His piggish eyes one my body, roving from my hips to my breasts. I felt sick.
“The cops ain't got shit on me yet. If they did, I’d fucking know about it. So, if they start sniffing around, I know who’s to blame. And I better not catch you chatting to your detective friend again,” he said, wagging a finger at me. He straightened, and his mean expression started to fade.
“I hope you like what I brought you before. I got some more for you,” he said, smiling. He took out another bag of meth. Larger than the last time.
“Conall, I…”
“Don’t fucking Conall me. This isn’t open for debate. I’m giving you a gift, and you’ll accept it. OK?”
“I don’t want it Conall. I don’t need it anymore,” I whispered, fear creeping into my chest.
Conall rose to the door, blocking it. He gestured towards his goon with dreadlocks.
“Teach her a lesson,” he growled, in a low, mean voice.
The guy with dreadlocks eyes widened as he looked to me, then back at Conall.
“I’m not gonna be hitting no woman, Conall. I do anything you say bruddah, hit any man you want. But not…”
“I don’t fucking care. Shut up.” He looked over to the other of his henchman.
“Goldie. You’re up.”
The guy rose slowly, swaggering towards me. Smirking meanly. He rolled his shoulders as he approached, swinging his arms from left to right.
Pain exploded as his fist lashed out and struck me on the left cheek, just below the eye. I staggered back, crying out as I held my face.
“Fucking hell, Goldie. I meant a slap, you goddamn animal.” Conall was smiling nonetheless. Goldie shrugged nonchalantly as he leaned down, his breath acrid with the smell of cigarettes and stale alcohol as he spoke in my ear.
“You don’t do what Conall says, you’ll be getting more than my fist next time. A lot more, sweetheart.” I was sickened by his repulsive presence so close to mine. I cowered away from him, into the corner of the kitchen.
“That's enough, Goldie. Let’s go.” I saw Conall leave the room, his two goons following him out.
“Oh, enjoy the meth. It’ll help with the pain!” Conall shouted, laughing as the three left. I heard the front door slam, and the house was suddenly quiet. Filled with merciful silence.
I shuddered with emotions of fear, shame, but mostly anger.
Fuck you, Conall.
I rose quickly, tears of pain and rage welling in my eyes. I probed my cheekbone, wincing at the bruise that was starting to form already.
Don’t think makeup is gonna hide this one.
I strode to the table, picking up the bag of meth. I looked at it closely. It was yellow, with a strange blue hue that shone as I turned the bag under the kitchen light.
My first instinct was to flush it away before Conall had a chance to come back to ask if I’d enjoyed it. But then an idea came into my head. I felt a strange strength come over me, a grim resolve as I gritted my teeth.
I’m gonna take you down, Conall. Jack doesn’t know it yet, but he’s gonna help me. You won’t get away this time.
I put the meth in a drawer in my kitchen, a plan forming in my mind as I went upstairs to have a shower, double locking the front door on the way past.