I passed the filled glass to the regular. Cindy turned to face me when she’d finished serving her customer.
“Your boyfriend’s back.” She nodded behind me. “Or do you want me to serve him this time?”
I pushed her gently in the stomach as I turned toward Jack, flicking my hair absently over my shoulder.
He had his hands on the bar, large, strong hands. Well-manicured. Muscles tensed, accentuating his triceps and shoulders. He was looking my way, a glint in his slightly wide eyes as he studied me.
I walked over, swaying my hips gently as I approached. I leaned against my side of the bar. We were less than a couple feet away. I looked up at him, my head slightly to one side.
I could smell his manly aftershave, mixed with sweat and the musty tang of leather.
“Hey, mister,” I said sweetly, in my best husky voice. “What can I do for you?”
His eyes widened further, and I imagined a few things were running through his mind. I felt my heart rate increase.
“Hey. Sorry if I scared you earlier, don’t usually have that effect on women. Eden, right? Lucas told me your name. I’m Jack.”
“Don’t mention it. Just thought you were someone else, is all. No harm done,” I replied, taking his outstretched hand in mine, feeling his warm skin. Soft, but rougher than my delicate hands. I held his hand for a moment longer than was necessary, enjoying the contact.
“You’re a cop, right? A detective?” I asked, leaning against the bar. I was turned on by his masculine presence, so close to mine. Big, strong, comforting. I wanted him to take my hips in those big hands of his…
“Yeah, but I can’t tell you any more than that.” He frowned at me good naturedly. “Or I’m afraid I’d have to arrest you.”
I giggled, and shrugged, pushing my shoulders together. Showing off the cleavage my new bra gave me.
“Oh, that’s ok. As long as you keep the bad guys off the streets, I’m happy.” I smiled sweetly at him, fluttering my long eyelashes slightly. I wasn’t sure if he was picking up the fact that I was shamelessly flirting with him. I was trying my best to make it pretty obvious.
He ordered another couple of beers for himself and Lucas. I turned away from him as I poured the beers out, leaning over slightly. I saw his gaze flick up to my face from my butt as I turned back to take his beers to him.
“Hey, Eden. Lucas’s gonna be twitching if I don’t take his beer back soon, you know what he’s like. Gets jealous real easy.” He paused, taking a big gulp of beer.
“I’m not usually this forward, but do you wanna get a drink sometime? I’d love to take you for a coffee or a beer. I mean, if you want.” He looked at me in anticipation, the first to show his hand.
Wow, he’s braver than me. Doesn’t play around. I like that.
I paused, thinking. I tapped a finger against my lip, pouting. Kept him waiting for a second.
“Well, I’m busy this weekend. But I’m working back here on Monday. It will be a lot quieter. You can buy me that drink you promised, and we can have a better chat. Then you can take me out for dinner on Thursday.”
My heart pounded in my chest, as he looked at me, relief and amusement on his face.
I hadn’t lied about the weekend, I’d planned to visit an old friend I hadn’t seen for a long time and couldn’t cancel on her for a guy I’d just met.
“Sure thing, Eden. It’s a date. See you Monday, then.” He smiled gently at me as he turned to walk away.
“I start around 8,” I called after him as he walked back to the booth. I grinned as I imagined him bragging to Lucas about the date he’d just bagged, but he sat down quietly They started chatting, relaxed. No bragging, no crude jokes.
Jack, I hope it's not my imagination, but you seem different. Complex, clever. Kind. Not just your average guy.
I sighed wistfully. It was going to be a long wait until Monday.
The rest of the evening passed uneventfully. Lucas came up to buy the pair’s last round. I guessed Jack was playing it cool, biding his time until Monday.
As the late afternoon and early evening rush began to fade, the bar grew quiet. We weren’t open that late. There were a few other noisier joints, the biker’s bar, and a strip club or two that drew in the late-night drinkers.
Cindy and I shared one last beer before finishing, and she wished me luck for the pre-date on Monday. I thanked her as we closed up, locking the place for the night.
I got home, feeling loneliness sink in as I was surrounded by emptiness after a busy shift. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jack, how safe I’d felt when he’d been close to me. I longed for his company but was trying my best not to jump into things with both feet.