Page 282 of 7+Us Makes Nine

“Ok. Suit yourself. I’ll keep asking though, until you let me buy you one.” He winked at me as he turned to stride towards Lucas in his booth.

I felt Cindy approach me from behind, hand on my shoulder as she spoke into my ear.

“What the hell are you doing? Look at him!” She was frowning as I turned to face her, starting to go a little red in the face. “Isn’t that what you’re all dressed up for? To meet someone just like him?”

I opened my mouth to talk, not sure how to explain to Cindy that this guy was a nasty gangster.

“He’s…. He’s. Uh, he’s a friend of my ex, Conall. I think he might be involved in, you know. Dealing. Drugs. Not the sort of stuff I want to get involved in.”


Cindy laughed at me, tears welling in her eyes as she shook her head.

“What’s got into you, girl? That’s Jack. Jack Storm. He’s a cop, a detective! The best in town, so my boyfriend tells me. Doesn’t take any shit. Brought do

wn the O’Rourkes.”

I stood, confused as my mind processed the information.

Took down the O’Rourkes? He was undercover! He took them down, got Conall away from me!



I was in damn good spirits as I left the precinct and made my way to the bar Lucas and I had agreed to meet at. All three samples of meth had come back within less than 0.1% of each other, which meant the cook knew what he was doing, assuming they were from different batches. Either he didn’t quite have the recipe, materials or ingredients to get the quality higher than around 79%, or the gang was stretching their resources. Either way, the three samples were from the same batch or the same cook.

Now, is this an old batch or are the O’Rourkes back in town? My gut is telling me Conall is back in business. And business is good...

I knew that we didn’t quite have the evidence yet to form any sort of probable cause, to get a warrant or to question anyone officially. My gut instinct was telling me this was real. Hell, I knew something was happening.

The Lieutenant and I both knew that it was his call if he opened a case, as he looked after the precinct’s detectives. If he wanted a case opened, and had sufficient reason to do so, the Captain wouldn’t stand in his way. Therefore, with the results coming back how I’d hoped, come Monday I would have a case.

I couldn’t wait to tell Lucas and to celebrate. I was feeling good, confident, and strong.

I took a quick look at myself in the rear-view mirror of the car, brushing my hair back and adjusting my collar.

Damn, ain’t looking half bad either, Jack.

I strode purposefully from the car, skipping up the step and half jogging to the bar’s entrance. I shrugged to adjust my trench coat over my shoulders as I walked in, one hand in the right pocket of my jeans.

My eyes scanned the drinkers in the bar, spotting a few familiar faces, old friends, and a few old adversaries I’d come across in the past. The latter all avoided my gaze. I spotted Lucas down to my right, smiling up at me.

I felt a grin creeping onto my face as I spotted him.

“Lucas! You fucking genius!” I said through my inane expression that was spreading from cheek to cheek. “You’ve only gone and got me a case to work on, my case.”

“Glad to hear it, Jack. Couldn’t have you sitting there wasting away, the best damn detective in the department. Just doing my bit for the town, y’know?” He was grinning back at me, eyes shining.

“Forget what I said about it being your turn to get the beers! Next rounds are on me!”

We both laughed heartily as we shook hands, and I slapped him good naturedly on the shoulder.

Now, time for a well-earned drink. Or three.

I saw Lucas had a beer already, with only a few gulps gone. Wouldn’t take too much catching up.

I glanced at the locals at the bar as I approached. Old guys, drinking casually from their glasses. My gaze flicked to the blonde behind the bar, I recognized her as a colleague’s girlfriend, Cindy. Then my gaze shifted to the right again, resting on the second waitress.