“I wouldn’t know. I haven’t found him yet!” We both laughed.
“Right. I see.” She tapped her finger against her lip thoughtfully.
“So, you want something that’s going to attract him when you’re fully clothed, as well as when you get down to it.” She nodded.
She took me over to a section near the back of the store. There was an array of sexy, lace matching bras and panties of various colors. They looked silk, shiny and form-fitting.
“Now, if these don’t do the job then I don’t know what will. What’s your size, darlin’?” I gave her my sizes and she handed me a selection of different items.
“The panties will fit, and we can’t uh…let you try them on for obvious reasons. But I’d suggest trying a bra or two on.” She smiled. “Boobs sometimes have a mind of their own when it comes to sizing. Can be hard to tell.”
I thanked her and headed for the changing room, closing the curtain behind me. It had been a while since I’d bought new clothes, let alone underwear. I felt a little awkward as I stripped my uniform off, surrounded by full length mirrors.
I shrugged and took my bra off, unclipping it and letting it fall to the floor. I was just wearing some black cotton panties as I studied myself in the mirrors, from three different angles. I turned my hips to get a better look at my butt.
Wow. I hope my new man likes a big butt.
I began to feel more confident as I studied my figure. Full hips, big butt, slim waist. Athletic but full. Medium sized, pert and shapely boobs. Natural black hair that shone as it cascaded down to my boobs. Full lips, big almond shaped eyes.
I tried on a bra, a white lace push up bra with a cute little bow between the boobs. It was a bit tight around my cleavage, but comfortable.
Wow. This will do. If anything, my tips should get a lot better at the bar. That’s for sure.
I held the matching panties against my hips, happy that I could get into them quite easily.
I dressed quickly and returned to the store assistant. I chose three sets, white, red and baby blue and paid for
them with the tips from my bar job.
I smiled contently as I finished the walk home, strolling along idly. I had a few hours to kill before starting work, and was in no rush. I had plenty of time for a nice long bath and to try on my new purchases, which I held proudly at my side.
Now all I need to do is find a man to show them to…
It turned out the junkie was telling the truth. I was surprised they knew what day it was, let alone gave me actual valuable information. The guy who’d blabbed and given me the meth sample wasn’t your average wasted junkie. Even if he was such a meth head he’d probably still be useful for the occasional bit of info.
Never trust a junkie Jack, or a rat for that matter. Or a dirty cop. They’ll all sell you out as soon as they can get something out of it.
Having cruised around the east side of town for a while, I’d spotted a few guys at various street corners. It took me a little while to spot O’Hanlan, skulking in the recess of an alleyway near to what I guessed was his new corner. He’d sell drugs to people that visited him, and would give a cut of his profit back to the gangsters he was working for.
The gang would most likely give him batches of drugs up front, their signature 80 percent meth. He would have to sell roughly three quarters or so of it within a week in order to pay the gangsters back. The rest was his profit margin. He could either smoke it or sell it, or both.
No matter what, he had to sell the meth. These guys were not the sort you wanted to owe anything to. If he was wise, he’d buy the meth up front after starting to turn a profit. At least then a slow week wouldn't mean the loss of a finger, toe, or one of his expensive gold teeth. Teeth that he’d originally lost for owing money to nasty gangsters in the first place.
I watched him from a safe distance for a while. He made about three transactions in the ten minutes I was there.
I wasn’t gonna bust him. Not if he gave me the info I wanted. No, if I arrested him the biker gang would know about it. Also, if he got locked up there would be a new kid there selling meth within a day or so anyway.
I had formulated a plan of attack and intimidation. The fact that he was standing at the edge of an alleyway made it much easier to carry out.
I waited for his next customer to be on his way, then chose my moment. I had to get this done quick, otherwise he might get backup. I just hoped I wasn’t recognized by any spotters, that they didn’t know who I was.
Well, if they don’t know who I am, they damn well will soon. Taking over my town? I don’t think so.
I pulled the collar up on my trench coat and put some dark, large rimmed sunglasses on as I walked quickly towards John Goldteeth. I saw his five gold teeth flash bright yellow in the sun as I drew closer.