Now, time to pay my old friend Goldie a visit.
It was the day after Conall’s unannounced visit and I’d just finished my shift at the diner. The other waitresses had pressed me pretty hard yesterday about what was up, as I’d still been pretty shaken when I started work. I didn’t want to go over what had happened again. I held my head up and got on with my day.
At the end of the shift I was feeling much better, and by the time I’d finished working at the bar I was back to my usual bubbly, confident self. Then again the four drinks I’d been bought had helped a little.
I was due to work again at the bar for the next few nights, and was grateful for the distraction. Plus, the tips had been great last night when I’d been covering for the girl who was sick. I guess the Wednesday night drinkers had enjoyed the change of scenery.
I stopped into a little grocery store to get some things I needed back home, mentally listing the boring items as I walked down the aisle. I yawned, bored and a little tired.
“Eden? Is that you, dear?” I heard a shaky, elderly female voice off to my right.
I turned, oblivious to my surroundings as I’d been intently studying the tins on the shelf in front of me.
I smiled when I saw one of my Mom’s friends looking at me intently, pushing her thick glasses towards her face with a wrinkled finger.
“Oh, hey Sally. Yeah it’s me. Don’t you recognize me? I haven’t changed that much.” I giggled warmly.
“Well I can remember when you were a little girl, and yes you have changed dear. How are you?” She came over to stand closer to me, unashamedly studying me from head to toe.
Sally had been our next door neighbor when we were growing up, and I’d known her for as long as I could remember. She had seemed old when I was a kid, and I had no idea how old she was these days.
“I’m good, thanks Sally. Got my own place, only renting for now. But you know me, I’m working hard. Putting money away when I can, and planning on moving away somewhere when I can afford it.”
As far away from Conall as I can get.
“That’s good dear.” She was looking at my face, her appraisal of my new womanly form complete. “Are you still with that.. Mike?” she queried, hesitantly.
I waved a hand dismissively. “Oh, no. We broke up years ago. I’ve been single since, haven’t found the time to find the right man yet!”
“Oh I’m glad, he was a nasty piece of work. You can do much better than him.” She smiled at me.
“I mean look at you, you could get any man you wanted! But it’s hard finding a decent man, I know. Just don’t work too hard, and find the time to have some fun.” Sally winked at me, a mischievous gleam in her eye.
I laughed, blushing at her compliment.
We chatted for a while longer about nothing in particular. Sally mentioned the recent news stories about the biker meth resurfacing. I had shrugged, trying to act nonchalant as I was reminded again of Conall’s visit and his threats.
I made my excuses and picked up the few things I needed, promising to visit her before leaving town.
I smiled to myself as I walked slowly back towards home, thinking about what Sally had said.
‘Find the time to have some fun’. You know what, I think that’s what I need. Enough pretending not to be lonely. I could find a decent man if I put my mind to it. There’ve gotta be some hiding around somewhere.
I paused, looking to my right at the shop I was passing. It was a lingerie store, one I’d been meaning to visit for a while. I’d put it off, telling myself that I didn’t have the money. Really though, I was nervous. I’d only ever bought functional underwear, and didn’t have the first clue about sexy lingerie.
I steeled myself, took a deep breath and entered the store quickly, before I could change my mind.
I breathed a sigh of relief to find the store empty other than an attractive, middle aged woman who was sorting through some lace bras. She turned as the bell above the door rang.
“Oh hey, darlin’. Be with you in a sec.” She quickly put the bras to one side and came over, smiling.
I smiled back nervously, and looked around at the array of clothing in the store around me. Even the more boring of the bras and panties had lace detailing.
“What are you looking for? Something specific, got an idea of what your man likes?” She studied me, a finger on her lips.