“I was expecting a warmer reception after everything I done for you. Lemme see your new place.” He pushed past me into my house, whistling as he looked around. The smoke from his cigarette stung my eyes.
Anger welled inside me.
“After everything you done for me? Conall, you really are a piece of work. You disappeared without a trace, didn’t leave me any money, no place to stay, no car.”
I crossed my arms. He was looking at me, eyebrows raised. I was expecting an angry backlash, but he was just staring at me.
“I got this place from working my ass off, three jobs just to save for the deposit.” I tried to stop my anger from rising out of control. I knew I’d be in trouble if I took things too far.
“I protected you! Didn’t say a word to the cops, like we agreed! They tried everything in the book to make me talk. I was scared, Conall. And you just ran off into the sunset!”
Conall turned away from me, snorting. He walked into the kitchen and threw his cigarette into the sink. He picked up a piece of bacon from my plate, chewing it absently.
“You think I wanted to leave you high and dry, babe? I didn’t have a choice. I had to get out of here. I was this close to getting locked up. I was in fucking trouble, you understand?”
His voice got louder as he spoke, and he started to sound pissed off. I guessed what he’d just said was his way of saying sorry.
He reached into his jacket and pulled out a wad of cash and a big bag of meth.
“Look, I brought you these. I know it ain’t enough for what I done. But it’s all I got.”
His visage softened somewhat as he looked at me.
“I miss you, babe. There’s more of this, money and crystal. If you’ll forgive me.”
He was holding the money and the drugs up, staring into my eyes. He scared the shit out of me. I knew he was a psycho and I wanted him out of my house.
“Conall. I’m a different person. I’ve changed so much since you left. Changed for the better. I can’t take you back. I need you out of my life… that’s all I need from you.”
I took a step back, edging closer to the front door.
His eyes hardened. He took a step towards me, his hands shaking with anger.
“I come back here, heart in hand, apologizing to you. And all you do is tell me to fuck off?” His face contorted with rage.
“No ‘Thanks Conall, thanks for all the meth and all the money I gave you before which I spent!’ No ‘Thanks for trying to make things right, for taking the time to come and see me and offer me some help!’”
I flinched as he threw the meth and money at me. A second later he was bearing down on me, his huge chest inches from mine. He grabbed me roughly by my hair.
I struggled as his hand brushed my cheek.
“Shame you won’t see the truth, girl. But I’ve had you. You’re used up. You’re useless to me.” He was speaking quietly and menacingly, his face inches from mine.
“But the fucking deal still stands. If you say a word, I’ll hurt you. Bad. I’m back in town now, taking back what’s mine. I’ll have some of my boys watching you. You so much as think about going to the cops, I’ll know!”
I winced as he slapped me hard across the face with the back of his rough hand. I didn’t give him the satisfaction of screaming. My eyes watered tears of pain. I grimaced at him in defiance.
“I haven’t been to the cops since you left. I promise. And I’m not gonna suddenly become a snitch. I just want peace and quiet, a simple life.” I paused. “You’re hurting me, Conall.”
He shook my head, still gripping my hair.
“Good! Maybe you’ll learn not be such a stuck-up bitch!”
His grip on my hair softened. “I mean it. Say a word and you won’t be able to work. You won’t be able to leave the house. You’ll be eating through a damn straw.”
He let go of my hair and poked me hard in the ribs. “You change your mind right, come to your senses? Come see me. I'll be able to help you out… if you help me out first, that is…” He was looking me up and down, his eyes taking in every curve. Disgusting.
He pushed me away and walked out the door, slamming it behind him. My eyes watered with tears of anger, frustration and fear.