Page 244 of 7+Us Makes Nine

“Okay, what can you do?”

I shrugged. And I avoided the conversation because I had no fucking clue.

Chapter Twenty-Two


When Natalie finally left, I was all talked out and maybe even more confused. I knew how I felt about Emilia. I knew what it was. But I couldn’t act on it.

I wore jeans and a graphic tee shirt from one of my college clubs. I was surprised I still had them. But I didn’t feel like looking my best, or even decent. I knew once I saw her I would go crazy. But I didn’t expect this.

She was in a bright, pink sundress. She looked like a fucking jolly rancher and I wanted to suck the shit out of every inch of her luscious body. It wasn’t low cut, but her pert little breasts filled out the top, a small swell appearing. She tied up her hair, revealing every sinuous curve of her neck and chest. Her legs were smooth and creamy, complete with a pair of white flats. Why the fuck would she do that?

“Tristan!” Fuck, had I been staring?

I met her in her office, a small room in the back of her floral shop. The desk was big and white and took up most of the room, but it was speckled with small vases of flowers and a picture of her with a man with graying hair; he looked like her. Must be her dad.


She blinked at me like I was dumb. Perhaps I was. She moved around her desk, hips swaying, hair bobbing. She’s like a flower patch of joy, bringing sun into my life for the first time in I don’t know how long. Maybe never.

“I have a tentative idea—I say tentative because Gabriella said she might change it. And she’ll be here in a few minutes.” I furrowed my brow, I didn’t know she was coming.

I checked my phone. Turned out I had a few messages. Levi was saying he would be here. I had no clue, I was so distracted. With good reason, anyway.

“Okay. Levi is coming too.” I could leave. But I didn’t want to.

“So, how has your day been?” She asked me. A timid smile forming her face.

“Good. I slept in. As I always do since I don’t have a job.” I smirked. She shifted in her seat. I saw her looking at me, she made it obvious. Not just looking, checking me out. And it affected her. Her cheeks flushed, she rubbed her knees together. She wanted me—well, her body did.

“I thought you do those day trains.” I chuckled.

“Trades. But that’s nothing. It just keeps me busy. What about you?”

“I had a meeting with an investor, to get bigger space.” My first thought was I’ll buy you a bigger space. But I kept it to myself. She liked to do things on her own, that much was obvious. But that did explain why she was dressed so nicely. I couldn’t tell if she wore makeup, because her skin was so clear, but her freckles were very prevalent.

I wanted to kiss each one, memorize them.

“That sounds really exciting. I hope it goes well.”

Why were we ignoring it? This burn between us, we could set all these damn flowers on fire with how much we wanted each other. I wanted to shove every paper off her desk and take her against it. My cock was growing harder by the second, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was thinking about me too, but she hid it. Her body couldn’t though. Was she even wearing a bra? I could see her nipples poking through.

We were literally saved by the bell of the door opening. That little chime made me happy though, it stopped me from acting out my thoughts.

“Emilia?” I recognized Levi’s voice.

I stood just as he entered with Gab. Man, they looked happy. She was in her black scrubs as always, and he was in one of his three thousand-dollar suits. I know because I have the same one.

“Hey man.” I greeted him, and hugged Gab. I couldn’t get over how happy they looked. He would look at her and smile. Even as we sat down, when they were supposed to be looking at what baby doll showed them, they would exchange this look. I never had that with Vivian.

I would look at Emilia and she would look away. I should be happy she was avoiding this because I knew I wasn’t ready. But it was like my heart was begging for her to fix it.

“I think this is beautiful.” Emilia visibly relaxed at Gab’s approval. I noticed she was holding one of her sketch pads over her chest, probably to cover her nipples. I smiled at the thought.

“Thank you. And this is just for the rehearsal dinner. We can carry it through the wedding or change it completely, it’s up to you.” She smiled kindly. She beamed when she talked about this stuff, she really loved it.

It was how I was at work. Technology and I had always been friends. I understood, it understood me. I could control it, and I was good at it. If I didn’t program something at least once a day, I got a twitch. Mom said it was how I was, even as a kid. But now I was sitting at home in ratty clothes doing mostly nothing.