Page 237 of 7+Us Makes Nine

“Someone hurt you.” I stated. He didn’t say anything. But he didn’t move either, his grip on my waist tightened. He wanted me. But how much?

“I won’t pry.” I added. He nodded as if to say thank you.

But all I wanted to do was pry.

Chapter Nineteen


I could feel it in my spine. How much my body wanted her. That wasn’t even a question.

The real one was if I could give her anything else, want anything else. She looked at me like she wanted me, those big blue circles holding the sea bore right through me and make me question everything. If I could trust her. Something told me I could, and it was stronger than with Vivian. The thought of her made me shudder.

I heard something in her voice, a curiosity and care that I usually didn’t get from anyone but my family. But I respected her for not wanting to give only half of her.

I went dark for a moment, of course someone had hurt me. Bad. I wasn’t sure if I could ever open up again. I had to distract myself with the purpose of this chance meeting. Gabrielle would be pissed if I didn’t get this right. She is so hard to please, I wonder how Levi survived.

“Let me buy you some lunch. Then we can talk.” I didn’t phrase it as a question.

She exhausted me and built up my appetite, I was sure she was hungry too. Besides, I wanted to see if I could do something with her that didn’t involve sex. I wouldn’t deny it and say I didn’t want to get to know her more. Maybe we could friends, I just didn’t know if I could open up my heart again.


She nodded.

I took her to the café just down the street, it was within walking distance. It felt familiar, walking with my hand on her waist and her tucked into my side. She was soft, she belonged there. What?

I chose a secluded table and we ordered quickly. She went to the bathroom as soon as we got there, then came back, sipping on her tea like she was teasing me. I had imagined those perfect lips around my cock too many times.

“I really thought I would never see you again.” I finally said.

The table was small, our knees brushed as I leaned forward.

“You thought of me?” I smiled at the question. She had no idea.

“Yeah, all the fucking time. Never met a woman like you before.” I admitted. Her eyes glinted as her cheeks flushed, I didn’t think she was complimented often.

“I thought about you too.” She smiled timidly. How could she be so wild when we fuck and then so timid at lunch?

We ate our pasta salads in relative silence, but it was nice sharing a meal with a female other than my sister or mom.

“I should apologize, for accusing you of being engaged.” We had finished up, and she had been regarding me warily for a while.

“It’s okay,” I shrugged, “it’s just funny because I’m not even close with the bride. But my best friend loves her, so we tolerate each other.”

She giggled softly. I turned serious, speaking of.

“Look, I really need your help. With the wedding. It’s in two weeks so I know it’s short notice. But I’m desperate.” I pleaded. She stared back at me.

“I could never turn down a chance to build my portfolio. I’ll do it.”

“Thank you,” I could let out a breath of relief. I didn’t know how tense I was about it. “Gabriella is a real handful though. She will probably be the worst bride you ever work with.” I smirked, but her smile didn’t quite reach her ears.

“I can handle it, but…if I take the job we can’t do whatever we’re doing anymore. I was already so unprofessional this morning, I have to put my career first. So, no more, um…what we’ve done.”


was disappointed, and in awe at the same time. I barely knew her, and I respected her. I didn’t know if I ever respected Vivian. But Emilia had earned it in seconds. It sucked, but I wouldn’t force her.