Page 224 of 7+Us Makes Nine

I heard shuffling on her end, and her heavy sigh. Something was clearly wrong.

“The dress! My boss told me he needs it first thing and I’ll have to clean it before tomorrow. Since the cleaners won’t be open I have to do it myself.” I gasped.

I didn’t want her to get fired or anything for this.

“Oh no, I’m on my way back right now! Are you still at my place?”

“Yeah, I’m here.”

“Okay, see you soon.”

I took off for the back, trying to remember the way I came. Once there, I had to scour the cars to find the driver. I didn’t know his name either. What was with me and not getting people’s names?

But I finally found him, after searching through many driver’s windows. I knocked softly, and he rolled the glass down.

“Finished already?”

“Excuse me?” My mind was in the gutter, but I quickly recovered. “Oh, yeah I have to go home. There’s an…emergency.” I made something up. Even though I probably didn’t really need to.

“Sure, let’s go.”

He got out and opened my door for me. It wasn’t until I was buckled in, and we were halfway home that I remembered the man I left back at the party. I couldn’t lie and say my heart didn’t sink a little from some disappointment. I didn’t know his name, didn’t have his number. And this wasn’t my social circle at all. He was as good as lost to me now.

The rest of the ride I was dejected. He was arguably the best sex of my life. Now I would never see him again. Once we were at my place, it was like stepping into my old life again. One where I don’t have killer sex with hot strangers.

“Hey, I’m so sorry.” Ivy opened up my door and ushered me inside.

“Don’t sweat it, I don’t think I’m really missing anything.” I lied.

I quickly shrugged the dress off and got in the shower as she cleaned it. She had a certain cleaner for it and she used my steamer. It was the nicest piece of technology I had.

I kept thinking of him in the shower. How could I not? The man was dashing, and perfect. Huge too, I could remember the feeling of him inside of me. Stretching my walls, hitting my core every single time. He knew what he was doing and made sure I knew it too.

I could give him a name by myself. Since I didn’t have his real one. But everything escaped me. The hot water ran out, signaling my shower was over. I dressed in sweats as always and found Ivy furiously steaming the dress.

“Hey, you okay? You seem off. I’m really sorry I had to cut your night short.”

I shook her off, warming up a much-needed frozen pot pie. I really need to stop eating this stuff.

“Oh, no that isn’t it at all. Really, it’s fine.”

She scolded me with her eyes. “Emilia, tell the truth.” She stopped steaming and cornered me at the microwave.

“I met this guy.” Her eyes widened as she smiled in response.

“Uh huh, and?” I shook my head as I bit my lip, not believing I was about to tell her. Or that it even happened. But I recalled the memory and it oh so did happen.

“I…we had sex. Against the garden wall.”

She stared back at me, probably thinking I was telling a joke. But she saw that my face never changed, and then her eyes widened in shock as her jaw dropped.

“Oh shit, no way!” she nudged my shoulder a bit hard.

“Uh, way.” She gasped and then started laughing.

“Oh wow. Who was it?” she asked me.

“I have no clue.” Her brow furrowed in confusion, her head cocked to the side as she studied me.