“Natalie, you couldn’t have worn something else?” Mom leaned in to the table to scold Natalie. I chuckled to myself, not believing we could still be chastised for what we wear.
“What, why?” Nat played dumb, looking down at her gold dress with a rather deep vee.
“You’re hanging out.” Mom hissed. Dad just frowned, and I kept laughing.
“Chill, Mom.” Natalie groaned.
Her only saving grace were Sasha and Bryan, who were approaching us now.
“Anthony, Miranda!” Sasha had the most chipper voice, like a bell from a bike. You couldn’t miss it. My dad and I stood up and greeted her.
“You all look so wonderful! Tristan, I haven’t seen you in a while. How are you?” She pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek softly. She was almost like a surrogate aunt, or godmother.
Her and my mom went way back, I think they each met their respective partners through each other.
“Fine. And yourself?” She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips as she lo
oked up at me. I just smiled and shrugged. It was all she was going to get out of me.
“Wonderful. Thank you so much for coming!”
“All for the kids.” I murmured, but Mom heard me and scolded me with her eyes as I sat down.
Sasha and Natalie talked for a bit while Bryan said hello.
“We haven’t seen you in a while. How has work been?” Bryan was actually older than Sasha, so his hair was fully gray, though I was sure he retouched it, and his wrinkles set in deep. But like my dad, he still looked great.
“Not much of any work lately since I sold T-Nine.” I answered. He nodded, remembering the multi-billion-dollar transaction I made just a few months ago.
I was actually shocked when it made it all over the news. I didn’t know people cared about that technology stuff, but then I realized it wasn’t about that at all. It was about the money.
“Oh, that’s right. We should talk more later over drinks.” He clapped my shoulder, and he and Sasha went off. I supposed to greet more people.
We were forced to mingle for only a few more minutes before the emcee started the proceedings. He went about the normal stuff; announcing the charity, and the order of events. But first was the food, which made me happy because I was starving. I didn’t know what I was thinking, coming here on an empty stomach. The food were like pigeon servings, good, but tiny.
And I couldn’t find that woman anywhere. Why was I even still looking for her? I blamed my irrationality on my hunger. I ate more of the bread and olive oil before washing it down with more champagne. I knew that was enough.
When the auction started, I had to escape the stuffy air. Everyone waving their money around was making me nauseous.
“Put me down for that weekend cabin thing.” I whispered to Natalie. She gave me a face but nodded before I stepped out.
I went through the same hall and found my way to the front. It was even more beautiful up here, like I was stepping into a fairytale.
I walked through the path, looking on the intricate floral designs. It was pretty damn good. If I ever moved into a house, I would hire whoever did this to make it look like someone actually lived there. I kept going until I reached the small maze path, lined with a few stone chairs. Then my eyes caught that blue fabric again.
Chapter Eight
I rounded the corner and I saw her from the side. It was obvious that it was her, that hair couldn’t be missed, neither could the smooth, porcelain over lay of her skin.
I had definitely never seen her at these functions, and as I got closer I wished it was her I met ten years ago and not Vivian. I felt my cock slightly stir in my pants and I racked my brain for something to say to make my presence known.
“It’s a lot nicer out here, isn’t it?”
Her shoulders rose with her surprise. She turned and faced me, her blue eyes piercing a storm right through me. Fuck, she was beautiful. Her face was so delicate, and soft. She’s young, but not so much so. And she had the cutest freckles lining her nose and under her eyes, I was glad she didn’t hide them with her makeup.
“It is, yes.”