Page 212 of 7+Us Makes Nine

“That’s okay. Just go through that door and follow the signs to the massage center. Also, our massage therapy students are on call today, so you might get a student, might not. But they’re qualified, I promise.” She smiled kindly. I’d rather have someone do it right, but if she says they are qualified, then fine by me.

“Okay. Thanks.”

The signs were relatively easy to follow, and I entered in another room. Someone handed me a robe and led me to a private room. I’d had massages before, so I got in position, laying down on my belly. The door opened moments later.

“Hi, I’m Vivian. I’m a massage therapy student and I’ll be doing you today. I mean your massage.” I smiled down into the face circle. She had a cute voice, and she sounded young. I was sure she was hot too.

“Nice to meet you.” I barely made any sense with my face down on the massage table, but I think she understood enough of it.

She clicked on some music and asked me if it was okay. I was fine as long as I could move my shoulders again. Her hands were soft, the oil made them softer, but she had a good technique. I couldn’t tell she wasn’t a professional yet.

“Are you a student here?” She asked me.

“Yeah. A senior.”

“What’s your name?” I didn’t think they were supposed to ask you all these questions, but the way her hands felt, and her voice fell over my ears, I didn’t mind it. Maybe I was talking her up in my head.

“Tristan Cox.”

“Oh, I know you. You hacked the school’s what’s it called last year.”

“The interface and firewall, messed with the algorithms too.”

“I don’t know what that means,” she giggled, “did you get into any trouble?” I smiled at the memory.

“For a second, yeah. Then the dean had me fix the system. Now we have the strongest firewall on any undergraduate campus.” I had done it to prove a point to the school, to show them how vulnerable they were. They didn’t listen to me until I hacked in.

“Whoa, so you’re a tech guy?” Her hands were drifting dangerously low into my towel, but I told myself she was just doing her job, being thorough. It felt good anyway, I was so sore.

“Yeah. I’m a computer science and systems major.”

“I’m just into massages.” I heard the smile in her voice. I was dying to see what she looked like. She was on my side now, I turned my head to see her. Damn, she was hot.

“What else are you into?” Her hands stopped moving, and her eyes met mine as she smiled.

She looked like a fucking vixen. Brown tresses, full lips, flawless, creamy face. Her polo shirt hugged all her curves, her chest wasn’t too out there, but it was enough. Her cheeks flushed with her blush, and she turned back to her work.

“I don’t know. Shopping. Design. I want to open my own massage parlor one day.”

I was still looking at her, even as her hands drifted down to my glutes and thighs.

“Well you’re pretty good at giving massages,” I stifled a moan. She shook her head, smiled, and came back up to my neck.

“You have to face down.”

I smirked but did as she said. She worked my neck and shoulders, not missing any kinks and got all the knots out. Damn, she was good.

She must have asked me a bunch of questions in the last twenty minutes. I didn’t mind though, it kept me from falling asleep.

“All done.” She stepped away.

I sat up, draping the towel over my lap. Her back was to me as she washed her hands and toweled off. My eyes followed her body; she in shape. Her thighs were toned, her back small. She had put her hair up since I last looked at her, giving me a view of her neck. She had a small tattoo on her nape, a key maybe? Couldn’t tell from here.

“You didn’t tell me your name.” I said. She turned and faced me, a smile creeping up on her face as she looked me over.

“I’m Vivian Sanders.”

“What time do you get off, Vivian?” There was something about her. Maybe I just wanted in her pants, but I wanted to know her too. Usually don’t care much about knowing the girls I go after.