Page 202 of 7+Us Makes Nine

“I agree. It just shows that even during difficult times, there can be a flicker of something positive. But we can use the most out of this situation to prepare ourselves for the future.” I nibbled his lips.

“With you, I’m sure everything is going to be great.”

I could feel him hardening inside of me, and I smirked at him, raising my eyebrow. “Already hard, Senator Dawson?”

“I’m always hard for you,” he replied and pushed into me, becoming fully rigid. I moaned, ready for more.

“Well, I guess we have to do something about it, then.” I clenched my inner muscles around him, taunting him.

“Fuck me, Merritt. Fuck me hard.”

In a second, I was pressed against the mattress with him above me and my legs draped over his shoulders. “You don’t have to tell me twice. I’ll always say yes to you.”

Mr. Charming

A Mistaken Identity Romance

By Nicole Elliot

Chapter One


All this legal crap was just not my scene. Divorce papers were more complicated than the legalese behind building a tech start up from the ground up. First, the consent for uncontested and no-fault divorce was the biggest load of shit out of all of them, this was all her fault. Every piece of it. I already got through the petition to dissolve the marriage, why would I stay with someone who betrayed me in the worst way imaginable? And then tried to hide it.

And the alimony. I knew she was going to try to get her piece. I told my lawyers to do what was fair for someone married for ten years, and nothing more. I skipped the motion for modifying spousal support, she wouldn’t be getting anything else out of me. No kids, so that made this process a whole lot faster. The only thing holding me up wasn’t even the financial statements, it was the damned answer to divorce petition. I should have known she would try and drag this out, just to get to me. She seemed awfully content underneath the man she left me for. She just wanted to torture me.

I sat behind my desk at home, selling a billion-dollar tech start up meant I never have to step foot in an office building again. Or wear a suit.

I called my lawyer, to see if he had any news.

“It’s been almost three weeks, Levi. What the hell is the hold up?” Frustration seeped through my voice. I hated to take it out on the guy, but something had to give.

Levi was a friend from way back in college. He cared about his grades, while I just went through the motions, graduated with the ‘C’s get Degrees’ motto.

“I know man, I’m sorry. Vivian’s lawyers are giving me a shit storm of demands. I have to play around with them, I know this game a little too well, I’m afraid.”

I sighed, not hiding my complete annoyance with the entire situation.

“Fine. As long as you aren’t giving them any more of my money.” I grumbled. My hand combed through my hair in frustration before I rubbed my eyes. All this lawyer shit had me stressed, I needed a haircut and a shave. The gateman barely recognized me last night.

“Nope. Standard eight million. Uh, it might help if you pay her lawyer fees.”

Blood rose to my face in anger. My fist balled up on the desk, the other almost broke my phone.

“Hell no. You think I’m going to pay her for fucking that gardener?”

“Uh, it was her optometrist.”


He cleared his throat nervously. Again, I didn’t mean to yell at the guy, but this was damned ridiculous.

“I’ll take that as a no. I’ll push her tomorrow. I hope I can get her to make her answer to the divorce petition a yes by Monday. I know you don’t want to drag this out.”


He cleared his throat and I heard the ruffling of papers on his line.