I miss you.
I miss you too. God, you have no idea how much. This day was filled with never-ending meetings, and I was all like ‘I want to see Camilla’ or ‘What is Camilla doing right now?’. I couldn’t stop thinking about you.
I bet there are some good-looking ladies out there.
I don’t know and I don’t care. All I care about is you.
My heart throbbed at his tender words. I wished I could be with him.
I know. Right now, I feel like I have a crisis. I need to see you so badly.
Same here. It’s going to be difficult for me to fall asleep without you next to me. Somehow, I already got used to sleeping next to you.
I closed my eyes, remembering the night at his place a few days ago. We didn’t sleep much that night, but falling asleep next to him felt like heaven. He was spooning me, his arm around my waist holding me tight against him, and I slept like a baby.
When can we see each other again? I asked him.
Hopefully, this weekend. I’m in Phoenix until tomorrow, and after that I’ll have some spare time.
Or we can put on some wigs and sunglasses and go into the sunset together. No one would know.
Now, I can get on board with that. Just tell me when and where.
I wished it was that easy. Once more, I wished we were normal people who had no obstacles between them. But now there was no complaining about it. Merritt and I would have to work around our situation and deal with it the best we could.
Don’t overwork yourself. Make sure to get enough sleep.
God, I sounded just like my mother again. Just great, Camilla.
You’re so cute when you worry like this about me.
Cute? I’m actually rolling my eyes at myself. I sound just like my mother!
Nevertheless, it’s cute. I’ll make sure to get enough rest.
Good, because those dark circles don’t suit you well.
Duly noted. Anyway, I have to go. Robert is calling me. He is with some donors downstairs in a hotel bar, and they asked for my presence.
Sure. I’ll be here, on my couch, probably touching myself to the fantasy of you and me in your shower.
Fuck, Camilla. You’re not making this easy for me.
I grinned. What can I say? I’m a naughty girl after all.
You know what? I want the details later, before you go to bed. You got that? And they better be juicy.
Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to send every single detail to you.
I put my phone on the table and moved into a more comfortable position, placing my hand between my thighs. I moaned and massaged my mound gently, the image of Merritt kissing my pussy already forming in my mind. And I let the fantasy unfold, forgetting about everything but pleasure.
For a couple of moments, I was completely disoriented, the sound of ringing cutting through my sleep. With a grunt, I sat up in my bed, my pulse quick