Page 83 of Cuff Me

She stood up, and smoothed her hands over the skirt covering part her legs. I was jealous of it. Madeline looked right into my eyes as she walked towards me, I managed a smile, but it wasn’t the innocent one I was cracking earlier. And I couldn’t stop my eyes from wandering to the exposed, creamy skin from her blouse, and the swell of her breasts swaying as she walked. When I looked back at her in the split second before she entered the room, her cheeks were flush and her eyes elsewhere on my body.

This would be easier than I thought.

Three: Madeline

I felt a rush in my body that had no ending. Everywhere was on fire, especially my emotions.

I had spent so much time worrying about what was after graduation that I didn’t even think of the possibility of everything being taken care of. All the late nights, the researching, and putting together my presentation were worth it. They were impressed, and they wanted me. For their company, I thought.

Holy hell, they were the most beautiful men I had ever seen. Logan had the darker hair, the piercing blue eyes, and the brains to go with it. All my research pointed back to him, he did all the coding and designed the entire company’s interface. While Jake…with his light brown, wavy hair and cool gray eyes could swoon anyone into doing anything. And he knew it.

I felt something way too intense for words the entire time I was in that room. The energy, the tension…it made me crazy. I was focused on the work of course, but their eyes kept telling me something else. They darkened the longer I looked into them

What was crazier was I had to go through a normal day of classes before I could go home and freak out, and probably pleasure myself in the shower because I hadn’t felt this much sexual tension in God knows how long.

I thought on the way home, that it should have occurred to me who Logan was. Professor Moyer was the talk of the school since he arrived here last spring. He had only been here two semesters and his class had a three semester long waiting list. Seriously, people were extending their degree progress and picking up minors to wait and take his class.

I didn’t need Principles of Information Systems since it had nothing to do with my marketing degree, but I was sure now that all the people signed up didn’t need it either. He was well respected in the business program, but for some reason, anytime he had an event I never went. So today was the first day I saw the enigmatic Logan Moyer and his partner, Jake Sawyer.

The two of them were such a gift to my eyes. And to think I would be working with them? Insane.

I found myself foolishly smiling as I waded through the aisles of the grocery store to pick up dinner. There was a ready meal section, so I grabbed a helping of spaghetti to last two nights, and made a big salad to eat while I studied. I still had three weeks left to be a regular college student. Even though I had the biggest business deal people my age could ever hope to get.

I would be running my own business and not worrying about overhead or preliminary profits. Because I had such a big company and investors to back me, of course. I couldn’t wait to tell Sarai all about this. She would have a fit if she knew I met Logan.

She was always in tune with the school gossip, so if I told her about this she would lose it. She wasn’t one of those people on the wait list, but she had put herself in his way. She studied fashion management, so it wouldn’t seem to awry if she was hanging around the business building. His office always had a line of people during his office hours. It wasn’t just the girls trying to talk to him, men wanted to see him too.

He was known on campus as well for his mergers and acquisitions. Ten minutes of advice from him would put you ahead of everyone else trying to do the same thing.

I arrived home and put my food in the oven while I took a hot shower. I felt stuffy being in those work clothes all day. I hoped they had a more casual dress code, that skirt was way too tight. It was only because of my curves though, anything I wore was tight.

So I dressed in comfortable, baggy sweats and over sized tee shirt so I could eat my dinner. I deserved a break before hitting the books. I turned the television on and settled for HGTV. After about a half hour, Sarai was finally home.

“How did it go?” She shouted as soon as she was inside.

She dropped her things on the side table by the door, and then sat in the living room. She kicked off a very uncomfortable looking pair of high heels and looked at me pointedly.

“I got the CEO Mentorship offer.” She squealed and about attacked me with a bunch of questions.

I was about to tell her all the dirty details before there was a knock at the door. A simple letter was on the ground when I opened it. The card stock was thick and the front side had the logo of their company on it, Moyer & Sawyer with the ‘&’ splitting their names before the ‘er’ that was shared, and Associates on the side. Pretty creative if you ask me.

I took it to the living room and opened it, thinking it was a congratulatory message.

Miss Jackson,

We were so delighted to meet with you this afternoon. Please join us for dinner at 7 PM; we have sent a car for you. We look forward to seeing you.

-Jake and Logan

When I showed Sarai the letter, all she had to say was, “Why couldn’t they just call? And that’s the logo for The Lagoon.”

I shrugged. “I guess this letter is more their style.”

But shit! It was already six!

“What will you wear? The Lagoon is the nicest place in town.” Her brows drew in thought.

“I don’t know.” I stood up, glad I had barely eaten my spaghetti since I already had butterflies in my stomach. Now I had tons, the whole lot.