Page 9 of Cuff Me

Chapter Seven: Max

It was one of those days that made me question the job. Maybe I should have stuck with football and went to college.

Then I get back and see all my solved cases, and it all becomes worth it. Being reminded of the children I brought back home, the families I put back together. It put everything into perspective.

And then I have a new stack of notes to go over, more people to interview. Nate and I spent the whole day canvasing the area. Whatever witness we had better remember some good shit, because we would need it. I had a feeling about this victim, and the others too. I was so worried about how it would turn out.

Once we finally got back to the station, I went to freshen up and then got some coffee. I knew I could head home soon, but I wanted to see if I could wait around for the autopsy. Amy said it would be first on her list, but those things take time. If the COD was the same as the others, then we would definitely have a problem. The entire precinct.

I was crossing the squad room entrance when I saw that tight piece of ass walk herself right to Alex’s door; his new office. Fuck me, she looked like a beautiful raven. Her dark, wildly curly hair was up high on her head, exposing her neck. The sweet, pale skin begged to be licked and sucked. I got a nice view of her ass and hips in those gray scrubs before she disappeared inside the office. She didn’t look like a doctor though, and that had nothing to do with how smart I thought she was. She just looked sweeter, something maybe a nurse would look like or something.

I knew as soon as I saw her that I had to get Nate in on this, and Alex too. The three of us had our own sort of friendship. We had been friends since day one of the academy, and we looked out for each other. We all would have gotten in so much shit, or even kicked out, if we hadn’t covered for each other so many times. We stuck together at work and outside of work…we had our fun.

I was talking about women specifically. It wasn’t something we do often, not because it was difficult but because some women aren’t willing to stick with it. I was thinking way ahead but just seeing her had me all in my head.

I set off to find Nate, and finally got him to come down to the damned squad room. Nate was like…the kid brother of us all, maybe. He used to make a lot of mistakes, but he had his own way now. And he was a damned good cop. He had his own reasons for becoming a cop, and it wasn’t my shit to tell but it made him a good officer nonetheless.

“What is it? I’m ready to fucking go home,” he groaned.

We had both changed into our civilian attire. Jeans and a sweat shirt, no navy blue because literally every criminal wears one of those. Mine was a nice salmon color, not pink. His was red.

“Wearing the pink again?” He flicked the rope of my drawstring.

“Fuck off. Look, the woman of our dreams is in there right now.” I pointed to Alex’s office.

“Uh…I don’t think I want to be with a criminal, man,” he joked. He was always fucking joking, but it worked for him.

“She ain’t a ‘criminal, man.’ I think she’s the witness. He said he’s been waiting on her all day,” I explained.

“Okay…so we’re just standing here like creeps.” He laughed once.

“Sort of.” I walked over to Alex’s old desk; he had it all cleared out. I sat down and Nate got on the desk itself.

“Any word from Amy yet?” Nate asked me.

“Nope. I doubt she would tell us first anyway. I just have a bad feeling about this.” I sighed.

“Your little gut is talking to you again?”

I glared at him.

“Not dogging it. Just asking.”

“Yeah. That’s it.”

“I didn’t plan on sticking around this long.” He yawned and stood up, checking his phone like someone was actually talking to him. The three of us are all each of us had, so not many people talked to us.

“When you see her, it will be worth it.”

“It better. You know, it’s still bugging me that no one saw anything. Why does no one ever see anything? Bet they knew what the Kardashians were wearing yesterday though.” He shook his head and scoffed. I managed a laugh.

“Yeah. Right…here they come.”

We both headed towards the open office door. I saw Nate lay eyes on the woman and I knew he wasn’t disappointed, just as I expected.

“Alex, is this the witness?” I asked him.

The woman was in front of him, and behind her, Alex caught our gaze and nodded. Just like that, we were on the same page.