Page 58 of Cuff Me


My dick had never been happier.

Sure, I had threesomes before and I had definitely fucked other women, but Adley was just…

Her pussy was so fucking tight and sweet. And her mouth was so fucking warm, her lips just the right size to suck my dick. Knowing she had never done anal before made me want to be the first to break her in, but I was no good with the slow shit and I didn’t want to hurt her. I was just hoping she would stick around for it, but yet I don’t want things to just be about sex.

I never felt like that before. It was always casual. Easy, with no commitment. But I wanted that with her. I wanted that for us. She would be the perfect woman to keep us together; we could be an actual family and all that shit. I was only good with my hands, building stuff. But I did want that one day. A home, kids, a woman to cook for me.

Maybe it was old fashioned of me to say that, but Tate was starting to slack off with his cooking.

We made sure her clothes were cleaned and she had some coffee before we left pretty early. We both weren’t sure how to tell her we wanted more than sex, but we started with a simple gesture we hoped would get the message across.

I doubted it was enough, but it was a start.

The crew was there repurposing beams and sanding the floorboards. We thought she would like us leaving the original floors, and we also liked to cut costs wherever possible on our projects. Cost efficient was one of our bosses’ mottos. There were a few surprises and some of the improvements needed just couldn’t be avoided, so we were racking up a bit of a bill here.

Still, we pressed forward to get the job done.

“What about the bedroom? Should we start on that too?” One of the guys came and asked me.

Tate and I had our own team, so when we were on a project we were technically the bosses. I kind of don’t even like being in charge, because I have to answer questions and what not. But this time I didn’t mind because I remembered Adley was coming by later.

“Uh, leave it for today. That bookshelf in the upstairs library though, sand down the shelves.” I told him.

He was a young guy, but he wasn’t a kid. I didn’t really listen when they started talking about their lives. I just knew he was legal and had a girlfriend he was always rushing to get home to.

“Got it.” He left me alone and I got back to finishing up the fireplace.

Tate swore the fixture couldn’t be fixed but I sanded down the edges and molded it back together. Took a long time, but it was worth it. I just knew Adley would like the look of it. Once I covered it back up, I set off for something else to fix. Tate was in the kitchen tiling the backsplash. The kitchen got finished first since it had the most issues. Once we re-ran the plumbing, we could replace the sink and add in the dishwasher. After that it was smooth sailing until we found out the electrical had to be redone a second time, because it was so badly damaged it affected even the areas that seemed okay. From my experience, I knew her grandmother must have been living without power for a while. But I wasn’t even sure if she lived here. It didn’t seem lived in at all.

“Need any help?” I announced myself to Tate. He was leaning over the counter by the stove and didn’t turn.

We kept the chevron pattern of the backsplash. When we took on projects, a designer was assigned to relay all the communication. So whatever Adley wanted, she got. Unless we had to change something.

“Uh, yeah. Think you can install this?” He points up at the vent fan and stove fixture.

It had one of those fancy end pieces and some tricky dimensions. I smiled at the thought of everyone shying away from it.


He moved over and I got the right tools. I had to sand down the existing cabinets first, take new dimensions, and then I was good to go. Hooking up the vent fan was a little tricky but I managed. It looked great.

“Do you think she is coming?” I ask

ed Tate.

“I don’t know.” He sighed and moved on to the last piece of backsplash.

“What’s that tone for? I know you just got laid so there is no reason for attitude.” I chuckled. He scoffed and shook his head.

“Nothing. Just tired.”

“Worn out? I feel you.” I smirked. He smeared the gloss and turned to face me.

I tossed him a towel to wipe his hands. “Shut the fuck up. You are a dog, man.” He smiled.

“I try. Look, Adley is something fucking else. But we’ve got to figure something out here. A real plan, you know?” I never got serious about this shit, but it ate at me.