Page 40 of Cuff Me

“We just wanted to surprise you, doll.” Max came and kissed me hello. A soft sweet peck that I could still feel my toes.

“Unless you don’t want us here,” Nate joked with me. I laughed and shook my head.

Parker tugged on my leg as Nate kissed me, holding my waist softly as his lips curled over mine. He pulled back and winked at me before taking Parker and putting him back in the truck.

Alex opened my door for me and leaned in close. “You look like you had a long day.” He smiled his crooked smile.

“I did.” I stood up on my tip toes to give him a quick peck. He chuckled and pulled me in close for a deeper kiss. My head swirled at how lucky I was. He lifted me inside and strapped me in.

“Let’s stop for some coffee,” Max said as he pulled away.

“Why?” I asked curiously. Nate nudged my shoulder with his.

“You’ve had a long day, and you’re going to need some energy for tonight.”

I gleamed, because he was right. But if that was the case, I would need energy for more than just one night. I settled into the seat and scratched Parker’s back as hung out the window. Nate held my hand and my smile didn’t go away as I thought of how lucky I was to have them in my life.

I knew that no matter what happened, we would get through it together.

Nail Me 2x

A Ménage Romance

By Nicole Elliot

Hi Kittens!

You’re going to love this sweet treat I have for you!

Dig in, because these two hotties will leave you begging for more.





Fridays were supposed to be my good days. I could usually make enough tips to top off rent, and eat something other than ramen or discarded kitchen food. But tonight I wasn’t so lucky.

I made just under two hundred dollars. I needed four hundred more for rent, and there wasn’t much in the bank. There never was.

Some of us are dealt a hand in life. And sometimes that hand sucks. I used to go to school with people who had loving parents, vacationed twice a year and went to a good school to keep their comfortable living alive.

That wasn’t me.

“Brown, have you done your closing duties?” My manager Mike was a hard ass, but he tried to look out for people as best he could. As it was, being a waitress didn’t have many perks.

I worked in a simple sports bar. We do good business around football season, and our pizzas and wings sell the most. The uniform could be better, but it was chill; jeans and the company tee shirt. For the girls, it was a skimpy tank top that was made cheap on purpose to show whatever bra you were wearing.

“Uh, no. I was just about to start. My last table just left,” I answered. Mike gave me a look, and I knew he was about to ask me something. He was handsome in a boyish way. Brown eyes, brown hair, lanky muscle and always wore jeans and a polo.

“That’s fine. I was actually hoping you could close. Mandy had to leave,” he asked. Well, told really. Mandy was the bartender. And she always just up and leave if she felt like it.

I sighed in an effort to make my annoyance known. “Fine. But I want to be paid her wage for the two hours it’s going to take,” I demanded. He narrowed his eyes just as fast as they softened.

“Fine. Thank you.” He tapped my shoulder once before leaving.