Page 39 of Cuff Me

“I don’t know. You just…well, you are really happy. I like it.”

“Thanks. I am. Of course, there is still some sort of hit man after me, but I don’t even worry about it anymore. It’s kind of like…it’s like how they feel about being cops. There is a high chance they could get shot every day, but they still go out and do their jobs.”

“Do you worry about that?”

“Of course. But it is almost the same as every time my dad went back to war. I just accept it and try not to dwell on it. I took the time off so I could realize that about myself, and come back to work and live my life.”

“I like that. And if you need me, I’m here. Don’t worry about bothering me or anything. Besides, it will be better than a screaming baby bothering me six months from now.”

I turned and looked at her in shock. “What? You’re pregnant?” I looked her over, but she looked the same, even at three months.

“Yeah, very.” She giggled.

“Why didn’t you tell me? I’m so happy for you!” I pulled her into a tight hug.

“Oh, you know, the waiting period. But now you know.” She smiled.

I beamed back at her and we laughed together. Things were changing for the both of us and it was almost hard to believe where I was before all this happened.

“Congratulations, this is exciting.” I laughed.

“So, you have been with all of them, right?” she pried.

“Yeah…” I admitted.

“Oh my god, what was it like? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”

“Touché. And I don’t think I can explain it,” I laughed.

“I guess so.”

“But it is different. And exciting.”

“Hmm. I can imagine.”

We exchanged fun banter about baby names and the usual stuff that came with her situation. It was nice to just be normal and have fun with my friend. Before we had to get back to work, of course.

The floor stayed calm until the end of my shift. I usually took the subway home, but they had each started picking me up from work and taking me back home, or to dinner if I had the energy. I only did once though.

It was one of the days where I just felt too dirty to leave in my scrubs, so I went to the employee lounge and took a hot shower. I told Alex to just wait for me if he was already on his way; it was his day. I was always excited to see them, the giddiness I felt so new and exciting. I found myself smiling like an idiot as I got dressed. I never wore anything special, just jeans and a tee shirt. But they always told me how pretty I looked, or sexy, or both.

The only change in everything was how safe I felt. I knew I still would have called the police that day but if I had met anyone else for my statement, and was actually placed under witness protection, I don’t think I would feel as safe as I did. The security they gave me was unmatched and I knew I wouldn’t find it in anyone else.

Nate made everything bearable with his laugh and sense of humor. Max always found a way to see right through me and get me to be the most vulnerable. Alex knew how to take control of me and get me to leave everything behind and focus on the moment. Together, they made every part of me mold together and it made me my best person.

I never thought I could be so lucky.

I said goodbye to my coworkers and walked outside, expecting to just find Alex by his black sedan. I think he had the nicest car out of every other detective. It was an old classic he restored, one of his few pastimes.

But instead, I saw the three of them waiting beside Max’s truck, an old-fashioned Ford. I smiled at the sight of them all waiting for me, and my oldest friend Parker. He jumped out of the bed of the truck and ran towards me.

“Hey buddy!” I laughed as he greeted me with licks and kisses. I crouched down and rubbed behind his ears until he barked with glee.

“What are you all doing here?” I looked to all of them.

They were dressed casually. Alex with his jeans and leather jacket over a dark tee shirt, Nate in faded jeans and a black hoodie, and Max in

khakis and a gray Henley. They all looked so delicious and sexy. Plus, they were all mine. It was hard to believe.