Page 30 of Cuff Me

“I’ll see you later.” Max nodded to me on his way out.

Rose insisted I keep myself comfortable when I came over, so I made a cup of coffee. It was pretty much the middle of the night, but I had been running on a very odd sleep schedule since I got the detective job. I drank the cup down like water and went in her bedroom.

Rose looked beautiful as ever, even tangled up in her sheets with an oversized shirt on. I loved how she didn’t wear over the top nightwear or anything. The dark curls of her hair fell over her cheeks and blew with the snores of her open mouth. She didn’t snore like a sailor or anything, just natural, little snorts that made me smile.

I set my gun on her nightstand and sat gingerly on the edge of the bed, hoping I wouldn’t wake her. But she started to shuffle, and I turned to stare at her glazed open eyes. She smiled softly, still a bit half asleep.

“Hey, go back to sleep.” I tucked some hair behind her ear and smiled back. She looked at me like she didn’t recognize me for a second. I understood why though, I wasn’t in my usual attire. I had changed into jeans, a simple tee shirt, and a leather jacket. I hadn’t gotten tired of wearing the suit, but sometimes comfort just won out.

“Hmm. Will you lie with me?” Her soft, sweet voice was hard to resist. Though I didn’t even want to.


She smiled and turned on her side. I stood up and kicked my shoes off, and took my jacket off. I laid next to her, and she moved to use my chest as a pillow. Her hand was warm as she clutched at my side and rested her body next to mine. I held her softly around her waist, inhaling the vanilla scent of her hair as her breaths evened out. She was back asleep.

I just laid there with her and idly traced the skin of her arm. The need to protect her at all costs was almost paralyzing. Mostly because I knew there wasn’t much information on the crimes as is.

I tried to distract myself with her. I focused on the soft globes of her breasts against my side, remembering what it felt like to hold them in my hands. The scent of her body alone was enough to drive me mad without her perfect body coming into the picture.

With my other hand, I grazed her scalp and twirled her soft curls around my fingers. I never expected to find a woman’s body so perfect. With all the others I just used them for their purpose and got on with it, but I found myself needing her against me just to get by. The nights I spent watching her had been the best I could remember having, even with the threat of her safety looming over my head.

There it was again.

My phone was on silent, but I knew it was ringing. The screen flashed with Nate’s name before I answered quietly.


“Why the fuck are you whispering, man?”

I winced. “Rose is asleep.”

“Oh. Well look, we have a suspect in custody. On the Donald case. Guess it’s the Donald, Rogers, and Walker case. Plus, the dude that got shot.”

“Nate, what suspect?” I tried to get him back to ground zero. He just chuckled and kept on.

“I don’t know all the details. The incident matched all the other four, so we brought him in. Apparently, he was trying to rob some guy who turned out to be a fucking Navy SEAL. Retired, but he still knocked him out.”

“Fuck. Okay. I guess I’ll be down there in a few. I might have to bring Rose,” I responded. I hated the thought of waking her up.

“You have to bring her. We need her to look at the suspect. She’s a witness, remember?”

“Fuck,” I groaned. “Yeah. We’ll be there soon.” I told him.

“See you.” He hung up.

I sighed deeply and tossed my phone on the table. I turned to look at Rose, still fast asleep. Her twitching eyelids told me she was in a deep sleep. I frowned and grazed her cheek with my thumb softly as I cradled her face.

“Rose.” I said louder, “Rose.”

She grumbled something incomprehensible.

“Rose, you have to wake up.”

“What? Why?” she mumbled. I resisted the urge to laugh at her cuteness when she was sleepy.

“We have to go to the station. There might be a suspect in custody,” I explained. I didn’t want to alarm her too quickly, but I didn’t want to lie either.

“Oh.” She stretched out and yawned, and it made her body press even farther into mine. My body couldn’t help but react to hers, and I felt my cock twitch in my pants. Lucky for me she was too half asleep to notice.