Page 237 of Cuff Me

We hadn’t spoken of a romantic relationship between us since he found out about Noah. We both seemed to be afraid to broach the subject. I certainly was. Despite my efforts, my heart had become hooked on this man again. I didn’t think I could stand to hear him say he didn’t return my feelings so I left the subject alone.

We were both concentrating on what was best where Noah was concerned and that was just the way it should be.

Our tissues were thrown in the bin and our ice-creams devoured when I looked at Wyatt I nodded when I saw the question in his eyes.

Was it time?

I was thankful that he allowed me to lead the conversation even though he was eager to deliver the news.

“There’s something we would like to tell you,” I said to Noah.

Something in my tone alerted him that this was serious because he looked up sharply and his eyes went wide as he cocked his head to the side curiously.

I wondered how I should deliver the news and even after almost a week to figure it out all I settled on was just blurting it out so that just what I did.

“Wyatt is your daddy,” I said.

Even though we were in the middle of a park filled with people, everything seemed to go completely silently as both Wyatt and I watch Noah carefully for his reaction.

He seemed to be mulling it over in his mind then final said, “Is that why we have the same last name?”

I wasn’t surprised that he noticed the fact. He was a very smart child.

“Yes,” I confirmed. “That is why.”

His fist pumped the air then he nearly shouted, “Yes, I knew it!”

His smile could light up the world in that moment. He turned it first on me. Then on Wyatt. Wyatt’s smile was just as bright and the happiness from the two of them brought tears to my eyes. Wyatt stood and came around to Noah’s side of the table. He knelt so that their eyes were level.

“Hey buddy, I promise to be the best dad I can be to you if you will have me,” Wyatt said, his voice husky with emotion. “What do you say? Do you want to have me for a dad?”

“Oh yeah,” Noah said, then threw himself into Wyatt’s arms. When he pulled back he threw me – and Wyatt given the way his eyes widened –for a loop.

“Are you and Mommy going to get married now? Like Casey’s mom and dad,” Noah asked.

Casey was a girl who attended his daycare.

Wyatt sent me a look and I immediately rushed to answer, not wanting to put him on the spot or have h

im feel pressured.

“Oh no, Noah. We’re not getting married. Sometimes mommies and daddies don’t get married but that doesn’t mean that they don’t love their little boys and girls with all their heart. Do you understand what I am saying to you?”

I took a moment to think it over then said, “I think so.”

The rest of the day was filled with a happy Noah and Wyatt getting to know each other better.

It filled my heart with joy to watch them together even though I now believed that any hope of a relationship between Wyatt and I had died.

I had ruined it. Last time it was Wyatt leaving me, this time it was me pulling away from him.

Chapter Twenty-One: Hailey

The last few weeks had been life-changing.

Wyatt and I had settled to co-parenting and managed our scheduled so that Noah had plenty of time with both of us. Wyatt and I had resumed being study partners. Our bio final was coming up soon and we were hitting the books at his place.

For once Noah wasn’t around. He and Wyatt seemed attached at the hip for the most part but he was spending the night with my parents.