Page 229 of Cuff Me

I couldn’t take my eyes off him. They moved over, my brain trying to catalogue everything about him.

I called Hailey’s phone a few more times, pissed as hell I had a kid and had no clue about it.

Hailey had a lot to answer for when we saw each other.

Chapter Seventeen: Hailey

Joe had been found.

And thank goodness, he wasn’t into drugs.

His life was filled with way too much drama for a high schooler though.

He had a crush on a girl that went the same school as he did. She was being abused by her boyfriend, a guy who went to the same school but was one year older than them. To add to this guy’s no good tendencies, he was also a small-time drug dealer.

Joe had stolen a stash of the teenager’s drugs in effort to take the guy’s focus off his girlfriend and direct at him.

His plan had worked and he now had a busted lip, blackened eyes and various other scrapes to prove it.

My family and the police hadn’t been the only ones searching for Joe. The small time crook had gotten to him first and given him a beating.

My heart had ached when I saw his injuries even though he had tried to play them off, even going so far as to decline medical attention.

I hadn’t accepted that and had demanded he be seen by a doctor. He had finally agreed when he saw I wouldn’t budge on this and he had been declared not too worse to wear at the hospital.

He was sitting next to me in my car now. He was going to spend the night at my place. He and Dad had a fight. Dad questioned his decisions as of late and Joe hadn’t taken it well. Everyone was very emotional and I thought it best if Joe came with me so the two of them could have a chance to cool off.

I agreed with my dad for once though. Joe’s choices didn’t reflect the smart, level-headed person I knew him to be.

I didn’t interrupt the silence in the car because I honestly had no clue what to say to my brother about his choices. He didn’t need another person breathing down his back right now so I left the conversation for another time.

I glanced at the dashboard. I read the time of the digital clock and mentally confirmed that I had to pick up Noah from daycare soon.

I also realized that I missed all my classes for today and mostly importantly, my talk with Wyatt to reveal that we had a son together.

I got nervous just thinking about it. My hands became sweaty and my stomach clenched.

I found out I was pregnant just after Wyatt had left for the military. I had been heartbroken when he left so suddenly. I had stopped caring for myself and went through life on automatic.

Finding out I was carrying his child had been at once devastating and yet a moment that I remembered with happiness even though I knew my life had just become ten times harder.

I tried to imagine how Wyatt would take the news. We had been careful and I had never missed a day in taking the pill while we were together.

I didn’t think he would welcome the news. Not with the way he left.

I hadn’t wanted to tell him through a letter, email, or even over the phone. This seemed like in person sort of news to deliver.

I had sent him one email with a single line that he never responded to or acted on.

We need to talk. Please contact me when you’re in town.

He came home rarely and we never ran into each other.

As time passed, there also came many missed opportunities to tell him. Then I worried that he would try to take Noah from me or that we would have a nasty custody issue.

It became easier to just keep the news to myself.

Until now…