Page 201 of Cuff Me

This wasn’t the last Hailey had seen of me.

Not by a long shot.

Chapter Six: Hailey

I was early for Bio labs this time.

I had taken a seat closer to the front of the room and was unpacking my notebook and laptop.

The laptop was bulky and outdated. I couldn’t afford the latest gadgets like some of the other students here but the device worked and served its function well enough. It would keep me from writing my fingers off at least.

I arranged everything on my part of the table then pulled up the recorder app on my phone – again not the latest on the market, but it did what it had to do.

All I had to do was press the start button when the lecture started.

With no more preparations to do, I looked up and around the space. Only a few other students were already inside the room. A group of girls were having a discussion around an open notebook while a guy lounged in the back with a pair of headphones hanging from his ears and effectively saying “leave me alone”.

Wyatt wasn’t here yet.

The thoughts had my stomach cramping and sweat suddenly breaking out all over my body.

I had been dreading seeing Wyatt again.

The week had passed quickly and it was Friday when I stepped into the biology lab. My head is still reeling from that chance meeting along the path.

I’m not letting you get away from me that easy.

His words haunted me. They made me hot and bothered one moment, then panicked and angry the next.

Wyatt was a bad boy to the bone.

He tried to hide it behind a friendly smile and a laidback attitude, but the ruthless light in his eyes showed what an alpha he was under the veneer.

He was the kind of man so set to go after anything he set his sights on and determined that he wanted.

Once upon a time he had wanted me with that single-minded intensity.

His persistence was one of the things that drew me to him even when I hadn’t wanted it to. I hated the thought of being one of the cliché girls who fell for the bad boy but when I let myself for Wyatt, I had fallen hard.

When he left, it had destroyed me and had me doubting everything I thought I knew about myself.

I could never allow myself to feel so deeply for a man again.


Especially not a man like Wyatt.

As if I had conjured him, he suddenly appeared in the entrance.

I gasped, then my breath stuck in my throat.

Wyatt Murphy was the most gorgeous man; even if I didn’t want to admit it.

He was the walking definition of tall, dark, and handsome. His tall frame filled out a plain tee shirt and a pair of jeans. His attire was simple but he looked like he belonged on the cover of a magazine.

He was accompanied by three other guys. They were all obviously younger than he was, yet none of them carried even one tenth on the raw sex appeal that he did.

I had been so overcome with the panic and worry his presence brought that I had mostly overlooked how sexily he had aged.