Page 19 of Cuff Me

My body was tingling everywhere. It felt like every nerve in my body had been asleep, and then suddenly, I was awake. And maybe never even wanted to go to sleep again. I knew I couldn’t go to sleep, but I also didn’t want to impose on Alex.

I didn’t want to assume I could just hop in his bed and go to sleep. I also had to get Parker out of his crate, and didn’t want to ask Martha for help beyond what she already did. I think I needed room to breathe, too. Once we ate, it was hard to even calm my thoughts down enough to think straight.

“You should let me drive you home.” Alex was barely up on his feet. I thought our events in the shower tired him even more.

“You just took those pain meds, you can’t drive. The station is only down the block,” I told him. I put my jacket on and zipped it up.

He stood imposingly tall in his living room; looking sexy as ever in jeans and a gray tee shirt that offset his eyes. It was odd for a second, being so fully clothed in front of him and getting ready to leave. I didn’t want to go, not really.

If I could just stay in his strong arms all night, I would always feel safe. I felt like that with all of them and it was…I still didn’t have a way to describe it.

“I don’t know, Rose. I mean, I feel fine.” He walked towards me in a way that would fail any officer’s test of competency.

“Alex, I’m a nurse. You can’t fool me.” I slung my bag over my shoulders with a grin and crossed the space between us.

“Just be careful. And let me know when you get to the station. And when you get home.” He smirked.

I nodded and reached up to hug him, my small arms around his broad neck and shoulders almost comical. He wrapped me up in his arms, the ridges of his muscles tightening around my waist. My body molded to his and I couldn’t stop the little mewl that left me. Being surrounded by his warmth was like an invitation to just relax and be vulnerable, around him.

With a deep breath, I inhaled his scent that swirled around my brain and went right to my core. Then it got a little hard to breathe because he was squeezing me so tight.

It made me smile. “Alex, I’m small and you’re very, very large.” I giggled.

He released me, and I looked up at him to see him smiling. He was so handsome and dapper but at the same time adorable.

“I should get going.” I nervously tucked my still wet hair behind my ear, biting my lip as I stepped away. He walked me to the door, and held my arm gently before I left.

“Remember what I said.” His voice was stern but his eyes light. I nodded and reached up to kiss him once before taking my leave.


The walk really was short. And once I arrived on my subway, I texted Alex as promised. I realized I was a little hungry and going home to a fridge that hadn’t seen proper groceries in a week. I needed to stop at the grocery store. There was a good one real close to my place, just three blocks. So, I got off one stop early and went to the store.

The whole time I was having flashbacks of the shower with Alex. When I passed the produce aisle and the sprinkler came on, I was back in that steamy, enclosed glass box with Alex’s strong, muscular body t

aking over mine. His hands exploring my body; squeezing me and kneading my flesh. I used to wish I had more ample breasts until they were in his hands, fitting perfectly.

I had to stop myself—who gets aroused in a grocery store?

I went down my mental list I hadn’t deviated from for the past three years. But I was feeling just a little adventurous and decided to add chocolate milk to the list. I knew I was lame, but I wasn’t ashamed of it.

As I was checking out, the weirdest feeling came over me. Kind of like in high school, when you were sitting in class and you thought a guy was checking you out from behind. Except it didn’t feel like that in a good way, it felt like I was being watched, and not just looked at.

I ignored the feeling and slowly bagged my things and used the grocery clip I always carry around with me to hold the bags. When I turned the corner, I felt like someone was behind me and not just going the same way. I didn’t want to commit to it, but I felt like I was being followed.

Was I actually in danger because of that case?

Ugh. I didn’t want to call Alex, and I knew Max was working. I pulled out my phone and moved to call Nate. It only took him two rings to answer.

“Hello doll, you okay?” His deep voice washed over me, and I could hear his smile. It almost put me at ease instantly.

“I um…yeah, I’m fine. I just was wondering if you could come by? I just figured…I don’t know.” I chewed the inside of my lip and walked faster.

I bit the bullet and stopped walking entirely and turned around. There was no one there. Maybe I was just overreacting.

“Sure. I’d love to. I can be there in fifteen minutes.”

“Okay. Thanks. I’ll see you soon.” I tried to keep my voice steady, so he wouldn’t think something was wrong.