Page 189 of Cuff Me

“I’m glad we got here early,” I said as more students starting filing in. I waved and high-fived a few of the guys I knew from high school. “We wouldn’t have this lab table if we were late.”

“True,” Hailey nodded. “I would hate to sit in the back.”

“Didn’t you say you always sat in the back in high school?” I asked

“I did,” Hailey said. “But this is college. It’s different, so I have to be different.”

That was all the explanation she gave. She put down her pen when the professor walked in, her full attention focused on him instantly.

I admired her focus, but I was daunted by her lack of interest in me. Hailey sat down beside me immediately, but after fifteen minutes of flirting – if my fumbling attempt could be called that - she barely glanced in my direction. I guess I wasn’t her type. Damn.

The professor launched into the syllabus quickly. His teaching assistant handed them around while he explained each section briefly.

“I’m a stickler for punctuality,” he warned. “So, if you’re late to class, don’t bother showing up at all. I won’t let you in. And remember, all assignments are due on the date the syllabus states. If you’re worried, then have them completed a few days ahead of time. That way, if an emergency arises, you already have the work done.”

I listened with raised eyebrows. Was he serious? He wouldn’t allow late assignments?

I exhaled slowly and glanced at Hailey to see what she thought. She stared at the professor with wide eyes and scribbled down notes while he spoke. She meant what she said, she was going to take this class seriously.

I knew if I was going to be successful in my pre-med classes I had to get my act together. Shameless flirting and letting myself get distracted during class wouldn’t get me into med school. This professor meant business, but so did I. I wasn’t going to let my perfect academic record slip through my fingers just when it was finally beginning to mean something.

Being a doctor was my dream. There was no other option for me. I would ace my premed classes and get into a great medical school.

As I listened to the professor finish explaining the syllabus, I made a vow to myself that I would really try. I would put aside my attraction for Hailey and focus during every single class.

With a determined nod that only I noticed, I pulled out my own notebook and grabbed a pen from my backpack. The professor was about to start the real lesson of the day and I didn’t want to miss a single word.

By the end of the hour, I had two pieces of paper completely filled with notes. He spoke fast and my hand ached, but in a good way.

When we were dismissed, I packed up my stuff slowly and glanced over at Hailey. She tossed her notebook into her bag and put the top back on her pen. She still hadn’t looked at me since before class.

Despite my internal promise to remain focused, I couldn’t help but think about Hailey throughout the lesson. I did my best to put her out of my mind but when the air conditioning kicked on and blew the scent of Hailey’s perfume my way I knew I was a goner. She smelled amazing and the way the cool air rustled her shoulder length hair made my whole body tense.

She was beautiful.

I really couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed her before.

“That was a good first class,” I said lamely.

I smiled at Hailey when she looked at me.

She just nodded and smiled back politely.

“Yeah,” she said. “I thought it was interesting.”

Hailey stood up and made her way toward the door. I hurried after her, falling in step beside her when we reached the hallway.

“So,” I said. “I was thinking that since we’re already sitting together, we could be study partners. I have a feeling this class is going to be a killer so we’ll both need the extra help.”

Hailey looked at me for a second before she looked away again. It seemed like she was thinking about my offer.

I couldn’t tell if I had insulted her by implying she might need help, but it was the truth. That professor wasn’t fucking around. It would be easier on both of us if we had someone around to help us study.

Plus, I just wanted an excuse to see her outside of class. I knew I wasn’t going to get anywhere in the confines of that lab.

“Sure,” Hailey said with a shrug. “Whatever.”

With that, she hurried off to her next class. I watched her disappear with a smile.