Page 17 of Cuff Me

“Okay.” He nodded. Nate grinned at the both of us as we got out. I wondered what he was thinking.

I hugged Nate goodbye, and then we went inside.

Chapter Thirteen: Alex

I didn’t want to think about what happened to me because I knew what it meant. This was a real shit storm and it was too damn late to evacuate. I didn’t want to tell Rose what happened, either. Neither of us wanted to tell her about the case at all. We wanted her to be safe and we didn’t want her to worry.

We knew she was strong and could hold her own, but we didn’t want her to have to. She was just so sweet and innocent, she didn’t deserve any of this. The only reason she was in this situation was because she was such a good person. Wanting to do the right thing even in a tough situation.

And I just fucking wanted her so badly I couldn’t think straight. We all wanted her.

Rose was so fucking smart and sexy and irresistible. She didn’t even know it. Even with teasing us in her bedroom window every night. I wanted to show her exactly what she did to me. I wanted to taste her and eat her up repeatedly.

Then she was in my house, looking like a fucking night raven just to torture me. My ribs were so fucking uncomfortable, yet still I wanted to throw her over the couch and fuck her into tomorrow. Maybe even the day after.

“You look so tired. Are you hungry? I can make something.” She looked around for the kitchen, but it was behind the living room wall.

My place wasn’t anything special. My bedroom was upstairs, and I used the other one to hang my boxing bag up. My living room was pretty sad; the leather futon was rarely used, and the entertainment unit was almost dusty by how rarely I used it. I had some pictures up of me and the guys, but that was pretty much it. I once tried to have a plant, but that ended badly.

“Yeah, food sounds good.” I took off my gun strap and vest and laid it down on the couch.

I led her into the kitchen and got her a bottle of water from the fridge. I had just upgraded all my appliances, and they were almost never used so they were still super shiny.

“I hope you actually have food in here.” She giggled and set her bag down on the counter before she opened up the fridge.

I chuckled a bit at the fact she might have been right. I did get groceries occasionally, because I wanted to try and eat well to keep my shape up.

“You got lucky.” She grinned at me.

I smiled back as best I could, my eyes drifting down her body. She wore scrubs like no one ever could. I loved the way they fit her body, and the way she always tied her hair up to get it out of her way. It exposed her soft neck and it called to me to taste it. I looked at her like I wanted to eat her until she turned back to me.

“Is steak okay with you?” She turned back and set the frozen slabs on the counter. I liked to go to the same butchery for my meat.

“Yeah. Thank you. Um, I’m going to wash this blood off me.” I nodded once at her and disappeared upstairs.

I escaped my bubble of impending desire behind the closed door of my bedroom. I stripped down and turned the water as hot as it would go. I took what felt like the first piss in years. They gave me so many fluids I was ready to explode. When I got in the shower, the spray almost hurt my eye from how hard it was, then it felt good as it eased the bruise down a bit.

That fucker took me by surprise and I was still trying to figure out what even happened. Or how he even knew where I was.

I didn’t know what to do. I knew I could protect her, but I also didn’t want to be the thing endangering her.

I don’t know how long I stayed in the shower, washing off, thinking about all the decisions I had to make.

To top it off, Rose came by. Fuck. Just her voice made my dick twitch.

“Hey, dinner is almost ready. Are you okay? You’ve been in there for a while. I just worry because sometimes concussions can surface later on. Or you may be feeling nauseous—are you…”

“Rose.” I interrupted her, talking over the shower. “Come in here.”

She didn’t hesitate before opening the door. Her eyes were wide as she tried not to look at me through the glass door, but I knew she couldn’t resist. Just like I couldn’t resist her. I cracked the door open and stared at her head on, my cock rising between us.

“Take your clothes off,” I demanded.

She blinked rapidly and swallowed.

“Now.” I stared into her eyes.

She blushed with excitement and then reached for her shirt. She took it off, followed by her pants and shoes. Her toes were painted pink and fuck did I want to suck on them. I knew her body was perfect but up close it was just magnificent. Her pale blue panties and black bra were ordinary yet sexy as hell. She took off her bra with shaky hands and I grabbed my cock at the sight of her perfect breasts. Her dark nipples were already hardened. Once she got her panties off I could barely wait.