Page 135 of Cuff Me

“What changed?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know. One day I made my first meal ever, and I fell in love with cooking. I’ve cooked ever since.”

“That’s nice. I never met a guy who cooked before.”

“So that’s one point for me.”

“I didn’t know you were trying to score.” She was flirting with me, her hooded eyes crossing over my chest and crotch slowly, and I shifted on my feet. Her eyes stopped on my dick, and I realized the pants did a lousy job of keeping my erection a secret.

“Did I manage to?” My voice was seductive, and I let myself take her hand again, this time moving my thumb over her palm slowly, causing her to tremble. So I wasn’t the only one affected here, hmm?

She licked her lips and met my heated stare, taking a step closer to me. She smelled wonderfully, and her scent stirred all my senses. I was sure that when I finally got inside her, I would rip her apart. She made me that crazy for her.

“Absolutely.” Several intense seconds later, she broke the contact between us, and I already missed her. What had she done to me? “I have to go now.”

“Okay. Thanks for coming. I enjoyed talking with you.”

“Me too. Say hi to Caleb. See you tonight?”

“See you tonight.”

I gave her the address and escorted her out of the station, fixing my gaze on her ass as she walked away. Man, she had a nice body. I willed myself to be patient until tonight, choosing to ignore my cock for now.

There was something different about this woman, but I couldn’t pinpoint what. That something made me want to fuck her and protect her at the same time, and I couldn’t wait to see her again. She was under my skin, and I couldn’t wait to get under that dress.



I checked my dress in the mirror of the hotel elevator once more, tucking my hair behind my ears nervously. I kept thinking about Trent and our conversation today, obsessing over how hot he looked. That chest looked like it was sculpted, the perfect lines of

his pec making me want to lick them... I wanted to dig my nails into his hard chest and impale myself on his dick... Oh, I was in trouble.

I got out of the hotel, trying to ignore the throbbing of my pussy. I’d been so surprised when he invited me to his place, and for a moment there I wasn’t so sure if I should accept or not, but then I’d said to myself to stop thinking and just do it. Maybe he was my white horse, maybe this was my time. I wouldn’t let my guilt crush this opportunity. Or maybe I would. I wasn’t sure.

I was so impatient to get there that my whole body was restless.

I tapped my foot against the floor as the bus took me to the station near Trent’s apartment. I clutched onto my wallet, another donation, wondering if things would progress in that way. I needed that to happen. I needed to relieve myself from this pent-up tension that was getting stronger as I came closer to his place.

I rang the bell and waited for him to open the door, counting breaths to calm down. A few moments later, the door opened, but I found Caleb in front of me instead of Trent.

“Um, Caleb?” I muttered, confused.

My eyes traveled across his body, appreciating the way his jeans and shirt emphasized his strong frame. His whole build was thick, but his broad shoulders were particularly sexy. It wasn’t difficult to imagine his arms wrapping around my small body, bringing me up against the brick wall of the building as he took me roughly... What was happening with me?

“Hello.” His smile was as radiant as Trent’s, and I had hard time looking away from it. I had to remind myself that it was awkward to gawk at him like this, but my eyes didn’t want to listen. “Thanks for coming. Come inside.”

I took a few hesitant steps, inhaling the beautiful scent of his cologne. Just like Trent, he smelled amazing.

“Hey, don’t look so confused. Trent and I are roommates. Is that a problem?”

I turned around to look at him. “No, not at all. I actually wanted to see you too.”

He broke into a smile, sending my heart into overdrive. “You did? Same here, beautiful.”

I bit my lip, flattered by his attention. Trent appeared in the hallway and greeted me, pulling me into his embrace. The sudden clash of our bodies increased my arousal, and I returned his hug with hunger and lust that brewed in me since our conversation today. Having Caleb so close to me did something crazy to my body, and I felt my panties already soaked.

“Hey, Bree. I’m so glad you came. Come on in. I want you to try a special dish I prepared just for you.”